My year in gaming / 2022

A look at 2022 through the lens of data collected throughout the year

Steve Dennis
8 min readJan 5, 2023

For the last four years I’ve kept records of the games I’ve played, just for my own interest, and to help more closely examine the hobby I put so much time into from different angles.

Last year I published an article summarizing the year from my perspective, and through the lens of personal data. Not many people read it, but it’s an interesting record for me, so I’m doing it again!


In 2022 played 74 games (for at least 1 hour) across 4 platforms. I finished 24 of these. This is down a little from 84 played, and 34 completed last year. I think this is mostly due to other hobbies filling my time, diving deep into AI-generated imagery for a few months, and ramping up my writing significantly, and starting a weekly newsletter. Honestly, given how much time both of those sunk, I’m surprised the numbers are as high as they are.

I played games for 615 hours (incredibly dubious stat, given Android doesn’t track hours, and Steam Deck numbers seem completely off in some cases), but even still, that’s half what it was last year. I think aside from the other hobbies, there wasn’t a single game where I spent 100+ hours like I did with Valheim last year. We picked it up again for 30 or so…



Steve Dennis

Senior Design Manager @ Onfido, writing about design systems, product design, leadership, and tech @