Top 19 Wisdoms of Dan Kennedy

Weekend Writer
5 min readApr 2, 2023


Dan Kennedy is a marketing expert and consultant who has shared many valuable insights and wisdom over the years.

  1. “Money is attracted to speed.” This means that the faster you take action on your business ideas, the more quickly you can start generating revenue. Procrastination can be a killer in business, and taking swift action is often the key to success.
  2. “The most dangerous number in business is one.” Relying on one big client or one source of revenue can be risky, as it leaves you vulnerable if that one source dries up. Diversifying your client base and revenue streams can help mitigate this risk.
  3. “You don’t have a traffic problem, you have a conversion problem.” Many business owners blame a lack of traffic for their poor results, but often the real issue is that their website or sales funnel is not optimized for conversions. By focusing on improving your conversion rate, you can make the most of the traffic you already have and generate more sales without necessarily needing more traffic.
  4. “People don’t buy products or services, they buy solutions to problems.” This emphasizes the importance of understanding your customers’ pain points and providing them with solutions that address those issues. By framing your offerings as solutions to specific problems, you can make them more compelling and valuable to your target audience.
  5. “If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.” Kennedy encourages business owners to take risks and try new things, even if it means making mistakes along the way. This mindset of experimentation and learning from failure can lead to breakthroughs and new opportunities for growth.
  6. “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” This highlights the importance of going above and beyond in everything you do. By putting in that extra effort and attention to detail, you can stand out from your competitors and create a memorable experience for your customers. This can lead to more loyal customers and better business results.
  7. “The most important sale you will ever make is to sell yourself on yourself.” Kennedy believes that self-confidence and a positive self-image are crucial for success in business and in life. If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to convince others to believe in you.
  8. “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your communication.” Effective communication is essential in all areas of life, including business. Being able to clearly and persuasively communicate your ideas, products, and services can help you build relationships, make sales, and achieve your goals.
  9. “Marketing is not an event, but a process.” Kennedy emphasizes the importance of ongoing marketing efforts rather than one-time campaigns or promotions. Consistent and strategic marketing can help you attract and retain customers, build your brand, and grow your business over time.
  10. “There is no such thing as a saturation point in a market. There is only a saturation point in imagination.” This encourages business owners to think creatively and find new ways to serve their target market, even in crowded industries. By bringing fresh ideas and approaches to the table, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and carve out a unique niche.
  11. “Don’t expect others to promote you until you can promote yourself.” Kennedy believes that before you can expect others to endorse your business or share your message, you need to have a strong and clear value proposition. By effectively communicating your own unique selling points, you can make it easier for others to spread the word about your business.
  12. “The most valuable asset you can have is the willingness to persist longer than anyone else.” Persistence is key in business, as setbacks and obstacles are inevitable. By staying committed to your goals and pushing through challenges, you can achieve success even when others may have given up.
  13. “The goal of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” Good marketing should create demand and generate interest in your offerings, making the sales process easier and more natural. By building a strong brand and cultivating relationships with your audience, you can create a loyal customer base that will return to your business again and again.
  14. “In business, you get what you negotiate, not what you deserve.” Negotiation skills are crucial in business, as they can help you secure better deals, partnerships, and contracts. By being strategic and assertive in your negotiations, you can get more of what you want and need to grow your business.
  15. “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.” This emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with your customers and prospects. By empathizing with their needs and desires, addressing their concerns, and supporting their goals, you can build trust and loyalty that can lead to long-term success.
  16. “Never stop marketing. Never stop promoting. Never stop advertising.” Kennedy believes that ongoing marketing efforts are crucial for sustained business success. Even when you are busy or have plenty of customers, it’s important to continue promoting your business and attracting new prospects to maintain momentum and growth.
  17. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” This is a reminder that everyone starts somewhere, and that taking action is the first step towards achieving greatness. Whether you’re starting a new business or launching a new project, it’s important to start somewhere and then work to improve and refine your efforts over time.
  18. “To succeed in business, you need to be able to think strategically and act tactically.” This means that in order to achieve your long-term goals, you need to be able to develop and execute short-term plans and actions that move you closer to those goals. By balancing strategic thinking with tactical execution, you can create a roadmap for success and stay focused on achieving your objectives.
  19. “Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.” Kennedy believes that fear is a common obstacle that can prevent many people from achieving their goals. However, he encourages people to embrace their fears and push through them, as doing so can lead to great rewards and success. By taking calculated risks and being willing to step outside of your comfort zone, you can unlock new opportunities and achieve your dreams.

How to get in contact with Dan Kennedy?

Dan Kennedy is a well-known marketing and business consultant, and he has a strong online presence. Here are a few ways you can get in contact with him:

  1. Check out his website: Dan Kennedy’s website is a great place (LINK) to start if you’re looking to learn more about his work and get in touch. You can find his contact information on the “Contact” page of his website.
  2. Attend one of his events: Dan Kennedy often hosts workshops, seminars, and other events focused on marketing and business growth. By attending one of these events, you may have the opportunity to meet him in person and ask questions.
  3. Follow him on social media: Dan Kennedy has a presence on several social media platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn. By following him on these platforms, you can stay up-to-date on his latest insights and potentially connect with him directly.
  4. Hire him as a consultant: If you’re looking for more personalized guidance from Dan Kennedy, you may be able to hire him as a consultant for your business. You can find more information on his website about his consulting services and fees.

