The CORRECT Way To Self-Publish Coloring Books on Amazon

Subha Malik
7 min readApr 21, 2024
Photo by Kelli Tungay on Unsplash

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Coloring books are a huge niche on Amazon and many self-publishers are making tons of money with them.

This inspires many newbie publishers to create and sell coloring books as well.

But the problem is most of them fail to make a reasonable income with their coloring books.

The reason is most of them don’t know the right steps to follow to create and sell coloring books.

In this blog post, I will walk you through the correct way of creating and self-publishing a coloring book on Amazon that can potentially make you a passive income.

Are Coloring Books Profitable?

It depends on many factors. The type and quality of your coloring matter a lot.

If you are publishing coloring books in a very saturated niche like coloring books for adults then the chances of making money would be very slim.

Why? There are tens of thousands of coloring books for adults ranking on Amazon with a ton of reviews. So, competing with those monsters would be a lost battle.

What can you do? You can spend some time niching down and identifying some sub-niches with less…

