What is Developer Student Club?

Shubham Kumar
3 min readMar 2, 2018


DSC is a Google Developers program for university students, designed to help them build their mobile and web development skills and knowledge. It is open to any student, ranging from novice developers who are just starting, to advanced developers who want to further their skills. It is intended to be a space for students to learn and collaborate as they solve mobile and web development problems.

Developer Student Clubs (DSC) are community groups for students from any academic background in their undergraduate or graduate term. By joining a DSC, students build their professional and personal networks, get access to Google developer resources, and work together to build solutions for local problems in a peer-to-peer learning environment.

What is the role of a Lead?

  • Set up the Developer Student Club on campus.
  • Organize and teach mobile development to fellow students.
  • Enable more students to be trainers and support them in conducting sessions.
  • Identify local organizations that can benefit from mobile solutions, and facilitate solution development initiatives.
  • Host showcases and other sessions to highlight the solutions.

Interested in learning more?

I am Subham Kumar one of the 200 lead from 98 cities across 178 colleges in India. Our target is to train 2 million developers across India.

There are many impact stories of this program which will be uploaded on YouTube Channel.

One thing which I personally learned from this program is that “If you can create an impact on anyone’s life with your knowledge by training them and making them successful along with yourself then you have achieved most priceless thing in life”.

If you are facing any queries

Connect me via:

Email Id: walkytalkyshubham@gmail.com

Linkedin Id: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subham-kumar-542837136/

Twitter: @subham2401


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shubham_2401/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/walkytalkyshubham

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Questions asked during the interview process:

DSC Summit Video:

DSC Community Page :


Find out whether DSC is in your campus or country

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1. Give your brief introduction and tell me something about the projects you have done until now.

2. Do you know anything about DSC?

3. What is GITHUB and have you ever used it.

4. Uses of Github

5. Then come whatever you have said in the video about your interest.

Follow for more UPDATES !!!!



Shubham Kumar

Tech Geek || Programmer|| Software Developer|| DSC-Lead @ Google