The Ultimate Guide to Consulting as a Side Hustle for Programmers in 2023

2 min readJan 28, 2023
Consulting for Programmers

You can find the FREE full step by step comprehensive guide on how to start consulting, how to get your first client, how to manage time and much more here

As technology advances and the demand for programmers continues to grow, many are looking for ways to supplement their income and gain additional experience in the field.

Consulting as a side hustle can be the perfect solution for programmers who want to use their skills and knowledge to earn extra money, while also gaining valuable experience in a dynamic and flexible field.

What is consulting?

Consulting is a professional service where an expert provides advice and guidance to organizations and individuals in order to help them achieve their goals.

As a consultant, you will use your skills and knowledge to solve problems, make strategic decisions, and improve performance for your clients.

Why is a side hustle necessary?

With the current economic climate, many people are looking for ways to supplement their income and increase their earning potential.

A side hustle in consulting can be a great way for programmers to do just that, while also gaining valuable experience and building a valuable network of contacts in the industry.

Why consulting?

Consulting offers many benefits for programmers. It allows you to use your skills and knowledge to help others, while also earning extra money.

It also allows you to work on a flexible schedule, which can be especially helpful for those who have other commitments such as a full-time job or family.

Additionally, consulting can be a great way to gain additional experience and build a reputation in the industry, which can lead to new opportunities and career growth.

How to get started?

Getting started in consulting as a side hustle is relatively easy.

The first step is to identify your areas of expertise and create a portfolio that showcases your skills and experience.

Next, you will need to network and market yourself to potential clients. This can be done through online platforms such as LinkedIn, as well as through traditional networking events and referrals.

You can find the FREE full step by step comprehensive guide on how to start consulting, how to get your first client, how to manage time and much more here

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🚀 22yr old software dev, building SaaS projects full time. I teach students, software development as a hobby and I am learning Spanish . Mucho gusto 💁‍♂️