4 min readJan 11, 2022


Grief is the response to the loss” unusually, the loss of a person where you own a deep feeling of love for that character.

Grief ranges from humans being like the death of loved ones or failure of a relationship where you enjoy a strong connection with that individual, or it may be career debt, divorce, and disintegration sometimes even the loss of a loyal pet will set you under remorse.

Now we are settling in a life where uncertainties ruling out. We are uninformed of events that are expected to result, it may be both effective and negative. This pandemic has shattered every individual’s living in a way or other. individuals would have dropped their loved ones or ended up in their relationships some even have lost their job and so.

I am here to lay my words on bereavement,

Grief is the process of human reality, in fact, grief never changes or stands longer it is just a stage of this existence. Every individual would undergo any sort of despair at one point in living. It may be anything like the death of a loved one, dissolution of companions, heartbroken relations, etc.

Here the subject is how we confront the agony and how we get by matters. Around most of us battle to deal with such kind of grief, because we are not ready to admit the destruction.

Grief is an ongoing process that stands on different forms and meanings over time. To feel of grief being with you eternally may sound quite harsh, but its depth, precisely how you go through over time will change.

Grief doesn’t mean letting pass, loved ones will ever be important to us whether they reside with us or not. Part of the grieving process covers, carrying your loved ones emotionally, even though he or she is no longer with you physically. This is a profound process that falls over time.

Symptoms associated with grief

1. Emotional symptoms

Distrust at what took place

Apparently unrelated fears

Heartbreak about the damage both privately and professionally

Having depressed or empty for no reason

Persistent thoughts or pictures of the individual

Recollections or feelings of recognizing late misery and loss incidents

2. Physical symptoms

Trouble getting off to sleep because of intrusive thoughts

Restless and disturbed sleep

Feeling tired or exhausted

General aches and pains or inconveniences

Suffering generally unwell.

3. behavioral symptoms

Withdrawal from others and need to be alone

Quickly provoked by others

A feeling of detachment from others

Loss of interest in normal activities

Poor work desire and concentration

Extended usage of liquor, smoke, and other narcotics


The process of grief meets with four stages

1. Numbness

where all the emotions are frozen, individuals find to turn into emotionless, they give up all their desires and hope towards survival. their development will become frozen at this stage.

2. Pining

individual dawn to reflect about the loss and develop a thought to bring back the loss. They were absolutely stuffed with that particular loss they couldn’t think anything beyond that. They tend to experience physical and behavioral disturbances

3. Depression

would be the next stage. Where they develop negative thoughts. They get disinterest in everything. Mental disturbances develop.

4. Recovery

this could happen with the help of someone where the individual trust or in some cases they themselves find solutions and make a move forward in life. They develop a renewed identity. They start to make their life meaningful and purposeful.


1. Give yourself permission and time to grieve,

It includes permission to cry, tears are the natural response to grief.

2. Let others help you,

It’s okay to get help from the person whom you trust or even get help from professionals dealing with grief management. Discuss your feelings and pain with them open up to them that will give you some kind of relief.

3. Self-care,

eat well, exercise, and rest when needed. Grief is very tiring you will need your strength to help get through each day and move forward.

4. Express your feelings, in different ways, journal your feelings, journal your best and happy memories with that person. Take up a hobby, practice meditation, listen to music, spend time with nature or attend religious services.

“Grief never ends, but it changes. its a passage, not a place to stay. grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith”.

“Grief is the price of love”…

NOTE: If you are one of the person going through this phase, please remember there is a helping hand for you. Reach out to “”.




Doctorate in Medical Psychiatric (MSW), Mental health specialist, Pranic Healer, , Acrylic Artist, Blogger