The Time of Cinnamon & Brown Sugar

Hello Sweet November!

Subhi Najar
4 min readNov 8, 2023

As I opened the window in the morning, I saw countless cinnamon rolls covered with brown sugar on the street. My first thought was: Has Starbucks decided to invade every corner of the small city where I live? It took me only seconds to realize that I was watching the glory of November sitting on its golden leaf throne.

When I see this brown sugar of November, I feel again like the 7-year-old kid I used to be, running around in our kitchen while my mother was busy preparing some house-made cinnamon rolls and adding powdered cinnamon and brown sugar by the end.


I remember the amazing waltz dance between cinnamon and brown sugar before landing on dessert. At the same time, the wind of November forced the yellow leaves to say goodbye to the tree and fall gently to the ground. As a child, I used to dance between those leaves in the garden with my grandmother, like a Sufi who feels invited to participate in a Diwali of colors and lights.



Subhi Najar

Alchemist of words, War Survivor, Little Prince, Bookdragon, Storyteller, Public Speaker. Top writer in fiction, reading & books.