How To Find True Love In Marriage?

Subin john
4 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by Orione Conceição:

Everyone in this world longs for true love. Some admit to it, while some don’t, but everyone wants to have someone in their life who is madly in love with them. Marriage is one place where you most look for it. Even if you are not married, you want to find your true love in your future husband or wife.

We are living in a world that, according to me, is anti-love. We have the internet, influencers, celebrities, counselors, and even friends advising us to go for a break-up or divorce even in the slightest hint of discomfort in marriage.

Very few people in our lives would truly care for you, and your spouse is one of them. Make sure that is true the other way around, too.

Find Love In Small Things

Married people often complain about the lack of love in their lives; they have this illusion that love is some fairy tale or Hollywood movie-style aspect.

They feel that love is only when they get expensive gifts from their spouse, or get big surprises, or love is when they go on some expensive holiday, etc.

They fail to understand that love can be found in every activity in which you two are involved. Whether it is cooking together, doing laundry, taking care of kids, or crashing on your couch to see a movie or sports.

If every activity you do together is done with a smile, a hug or kiss in between, a little flirtatious talking, and some funny jokes, then the feeling that you get from doing this is love.

You don’t have to look for love in big things. It is there in tits and bits spread across your life. Just find these pearls among the pebbles.

Talk To Each Other

Often, we find the people who were always in a talking frenzy with each other before marriage suddenly go silent after they are married. The wall of silence slowly creeps up between them in years gone by. And even before they realize it, they feel like they are living with a stranger.

The key to finding love in your marriage is to have a hearty talk with your spouse at every opportunity you get. Even if you feel that there is nothing to talk about or the thing that you want to talk about is probably too small to discuss, then also talk to your life partner. Through these talks, you will find small buds of romance booming in the garden of your marriage.

Always Listen Even In Silence

We are living in a world where everyone seems to be talking while no one bothers to listen. Marriages these days are no different. Both husband and wife want to talk but not listen. If you really want to bring more love to your marriage, then you should learn to listen to your partner.

There are times when your spouse may be going through some rough patch in their life. Maybe some things are troubling them.

Often, people avoid talking about their weaknesses and uncomfortable situations and are silent about them. You as a spouse should even understand this silence and listen to it.

Make your spouse comfortable enough, so that they pour out their worries to you; once you listen to their mental baggage, you will find only love for you in their heart and eyes.

Practice Patience And Forgiveness

Patience and forgiveness are the secret ingredients to a happy marriage.

If you are patient in your behavior, you will find joy in your marriage. It helps you understand the differences you have with your spouse; it also helps in building an effective bond with your partner. It creates an environment of love and respect in your marriage.

Forgiveness is a virtue that helps you embrace the imperfections in your spouse, it helps enhance the trust in your marriage, and it also helps you to form an unbreakable bond with your spouse. Both of these virtues rekindle the sparks of love in your married life.

Physical And Emotional Intimacy

Physical intimacy includes not only sexual intimacy but physical affection and closeness to each other. Every passionate gesture you make to your spouse increases the love that they have for you.

Always find time in your life to have these physical moments with your spouse. No matter how busy you are in your life, always make sure that you take time to have some intense, intimate moments with your life partner.

Emotional intimacy is also of paramount importance in every marriage. The deep emotional connection allows you to be vulnerable and truly known by your partner. This is often built through shared experiences, quality time spent together, and having empathy for each other.

Wrapping Up

You should always remember that finding true love in marriage is not a destination, but it is a never-ending journey of finding and exploring each other.

Nurturing love in marriage requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and grow together from both partners.

Every marriage will have its share of challenges, problems, and frustrations, but with love, patience, forgiveness, and dedication, you can build a strong and enduring bond with your partner that is full of love. Then, my friend, you both would have a “And they lived happily ever after” kind of marriage.

