No Matter What Happens In Your Life, You Just Hang In There With Hope

Subin john
3 min readOct 4, 2023
Photo by Gelgas Airlangga:

If you have lived long enough to know that Life can be unpredictable, then you probably also know how hard Life can be sometimes.

We all yearn for a happy and content life, yet we often find ourselves in these murky pools of disappointment, anger, frustration, dismay, and sadness.

Moments of happiness always seem short-lived and long-delayed.

Yet, for all its flaws and errors, Life is beautiful. Yes, it is. It would help if you believed it.

You may be going through what seems to be your Life’s worst phase, but it is not over. There is always a silver lining. Always remember the phrase, “This too shall pass.”

HOPE can be your best buddy in these moments of despair. Hope has the power to keep you afloat in any dire situation. It is the magic position that never lets your spirit die.

Hope is the weapon that would make you invincible.

Hope Combined With Prayer Would Change Your Life Forever

If hope is the armor you need, then prayer is your shield. It is the shield that would protect you from the deadly effects of desperation, depression, fear, and anxiety.

Hope in a higher authority results in prayer.

This combination would help you conquer any level of difficulty in your Life. Like when playing video games, you get superpowers that would make you unkillable. The combination of Hope and Prayer works in the same way.

These two are your superpowers against any hurdles in Life.

Just Never Give Up Hope In Life, No Matter What

These words look easy, and you must have heard and read them a million times, but what is tough is understanding them and implementing them.

Everything is hunky and dory until something bad happens in Life. It can be the death of a loved one, sudden layoff from a job, draining up of source of income, instability in Life, cheating partner, nagging spouse, or anything that makes you cry in frustration or yell in anger.

These are the moments or times when we are most vulnerable. This is when we are most likely to commit the stupidest of mistakes or the worst of choices.

But if you have hope, you will have a sense of calm in your heart. You would know that it is only a temporary phase that would pass.

Hope makes you fight back and take control of your Life. It helps you to turn around the fate in your Favor.

So, wrapping up, I would like to say to you that your Life is precious; it is a beautiful gift from God to you. There is so much more for you to do in Life. Just don’t lose ‘HOPE’.

Hope is seeing that there is light despite all of the darkness.

