Why Is Procrastination -The Silent Killer?

Subin john
3 min readSep 11, 2023

We often hear of high blood pressure and diabetes as silent killers. These do not exhibit any symptoms of their presence, yet they can be deadly. But do you know procrastination is also the killer of the same category? It is also a silent killer.

Image Displaying How Procrastination Destroys our life silently.
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto Pixels

Procrastination silently kills your dreams, your ambitions, and your skills. It keeps your destiny from meeting you. As it grips you into submission and gets power over your ambitions and productivity.

It slowly creeps into our lives and destroys our goals. Here are some of the deadly effects of procrastination.

Opportunity Cost: The Unseen Price We Pay

Time and every second we waste is like letting the sand of fortune slip through our very hands. Every moment spent in the clutches of procrastination is a moment lost forever.

The time that we could have spent pursuing our passion, sharpening our skills, and building our relationships was eaten by this deadly monster.

The more we procrastinate, the higher the opportunity cost becomes, leaving us with a sense of regret for the untapped potential we have allowed to slip away.

Eroding Self-Confidence: A Slow, Silent Erosion

Procrastination eats away at our self-esteem and confidence. Every postponed activity makes us lose our willpower and capacity to do that work. This creates self-doubt and self-loathing in us.

Over time, this self-doubt can become a pervasive force, undermining our belief in our own abilities.

Breeding Grounds For Stress And Anxiety

Procrastination leads to the proliferation of anxiety and stress. As the workload keeps on increasing and targets keep getting from doable to impossible, our minds lead to a frantic scramble to complete tasks.

All these lead to more stress, which in turn affects our mental as well as physical health.

It Destroys Creativity And Innovation

It is said that “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work as hard.” Procrastination decimates your creativity, and it murders your innovative mind. Creativity needs the fodder of hard work and creation to enhance or better itself.

Being lazy or procrastinating your talent is like depriving yourself of your talent. Had Thomas Edison procrastinated, the world would never have seen the light bulb.

It Leads To Fractured Relationships: The Cost Of Unkept Commitments

Relationships are like delicate plants; they need the proper nurture, care, and time. If you do not invest your time in any relationship, it will put a strain on the relationship, and sooner or later, that relationship will snap.

Every day, your efforts are needed to make the bond strong in your relationships. Procrastination keeps you from fulfilling these moral duties and thus destroys the delicate thread of love and respect in that relationship.

It Undermines Long-Term Goals: A Roadblock To Success

Procrastination is your greatest hindrance or roadblock to achieving your long-term goals. It creates a false sense of complexity and then sabotages our dreams.

As days turn into weeks and weeks into months, our grand visions remain unfulfilled, relegated to the realm of ‘someday.’

It Creates The Illusion Of Comfort-Resisting Growth

Procrastination is an amazing liar. It creates an illusion of comfort, shielding us from the discomfort of change and growth.

It gives us temporary relief from our life challenges that make us push our boundaries.

In the mirage of this false solace, we sacrifice personal and professional development opportunities.

Breaking Free From The Shackles Of Procrastination

We must understand that procrastination, although silent, has the power to control our lives. Slowly and stealthily, it erodes our time, confidence, and potential.

Understanding its malicious desires is the first step towards defeating it.

We can reclaim control over our ambitions and dreams by cultivating self-awareness, employing time-management techniques, and nurturing a proactive mindset.

The world is full of opportunities, and procrastination is the silent killer of these opportunities. Therefore, you must tackle this adversary head-on and defeat it with the power of your will and capabilities.

With determination and strategic action, we can transcend the confines of procrastination and chart a course toward personal and professional fulfillment.

