Adobe Analytics for Beginners - Part 2

subiraj rs
3 min readFeb 19, 2019


Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Getting deeper into Adobe Analytics

Once You start understanding the possibilities and features of web analytics, you will definitely fall in love with the technology and its immense possibilities .Let us discuss our 2nd blog of Adobe Analytics with some more technical stuff.

Definition of Adobe Analytics…

Adobe Analytics is a real time subscription based web analytics tool for measuring and reporting online visitor activities. Adobe analytics provides real time actionable insights to users with less effort.

How Adobe analytics works???

We have to place a snippet of JavaScript embed code on every page that is being tracked using Adobe Analytics . (we will discuss about it later on my next stories . Now just keep in my mind that , if we want to track a page activity using Adobe Analytics , we need to place the Adobe generated JavaScript code on the page ) . Hope everything is clear … ☺

What is a Reportsuite???

From now onwards , we may read this term so many times. So I just need to give you a brief description on Adobe Analytics reportsuite. As you all know , there are a lot websites around us and so many are using Adobe Analytics for measuring visitors online activities . Hence it is really important to separate each and every company’s data. For that purpose , we are using Adobe analytics report suites. These are simply the data buckets which will have data specifically for each client/company. Every reportsuite that is created for our company will be available in the analytics UI .Suppose we have one reportsuite for collecting data from our India website and another for our US website ,we should select the correct report suite to view the right data when we pull reports from analytics.

Now let us go through the backend processes happening when we view a analytics implemented webpage.

  1. A user opens his browser and types our website url(eg: https:/// )
  2. This will send a server call to fetch our page code to display the web page content.
  3. As the page loads , the Adobe provided javaScript embed code placed on the page will also get loads.
  4. Above step will send an image request to Adobe data center with the collected parameters values.
  5. Adobe data centre will return a tranparent pixel image as responding to the image request.
  6. Adobe data centre will push the data collected from our website to the data collection buckets (reportsuites) that are specifically made for our website.
  7. When user requests a particular report , the data will be fetched from the corresponding reportsuite and will be visible to the user.

The above mentioned steps explains the how data is become available on our analytics reports. Now buckle your seat belt because we are going to login ☺ .

Login to Adobe Analytics…

Let us login Adobe Analytics using Adobe experience cloud . First of all , we need create an Adobe ID for accessing the Experience cloud services . Please follow the steps here for creating your ID .Below I am explaining the steps to be followed for login .

  1. Request for accessing Analytics using Adobe Experience Cloud from the Adobe Experience cloud Admin of your website . Once you get a mail confirming your access , you can follow the below steps
  2. Navigate to the Adobe Experience Cloud using
  3. Sign in using your Adobe ID and password.
  4. You will be redirecting to the Experience cloud home page where you can click on the menu icon present on the top right corner (9 dots )
  5. Select Analytics from the menu and you will be redirected to Adobe Analytics landing page

Now its your turn… explore everything…

We can discuss on some important documents in Adobe Analytics and the whole adobe analytics implementation cycle in my next blog “Adobe Analytics for Beginners -Part 3"

Find out my previous blog here :

