Subomi Oluwalana
3 min readNov 29, 2016


  • Introduction
  • Demystifying the Flow
  • Conclusion


Well if you’ve thought that paystack inline and paystack standard are the only methodologies of integrating and receiving payments on your platforms, well you have thought wrongly.

Paystack pages is one of the legit ways of integrating paystack, and by far the easiest, without even worrying much about either private or public keys. Simple and short, what are paystack pages?

Paystack pages are payment pages created at your dashboard to receive payments from your customers.


To use this model of payment, first thing is to create the payment page at your dashboard

The Architecture
Creating the Page that your Dashboard, Use the green button at the Upper Right Angle — Add Page
  • REDIRECT: Once you’ve created the link, it means anytime you want to receive payment you have to redirect to the payment page, you can either use it to overthrow the current page or throw it into a new window. (In our model, we assume you are using a new window, for convenience)
Rendered Page view

Notice: i use a target attribute to send it into another page. Removing that attribute it would load the page in the same window and replace this page.

  • MAKE PAYMENT: On the redirected page, the prospective customer can then make payment inputting his/her card details and all other other fields as you’ve customized it at your dashboard.
Setting Webhooks at the Dashboard
  • WEB HOOK UPDATE: Once payment is successful, paystack sends to your webhook url an a successful event update (if you actually specified a url in there).
  • CALLBACK URL: As well as the web hook update, paystack returns the specified callback url, if any. To the web page which overthrows the current window.
Callback Loaded in the same window.


Payment pages are really an easy and highly recommend methodology of integrating and receiving payments with paystack especially when you are dealing with just a small number of products that a payment page can be created for each of them. The Full code is stored at this repository.

