Top 7 Things You Need To Know About Freelancing Before Saying “I Quit” To Your Current Boss

3 min readSep 22, 2016


When you are working as a freelancer website designer or developer, you are the boss, you are the decision maker. You can work from anywhere and anytime (before deadlines). However, this flexibility and freedom of taking decision do not mean that freelancing is easy and you are not accountable to someone. When you are working with an organization, you may not have to interact with clients. However, as a freelancer, you have to interact with a client. The way you conduct and interact will leave an impression on the mind of the client. Therefore, before saying I quit, there are several things you need to know about freelancing.

Web Design

A Freelancer Has To Be a Self-Starter

Being a self-starter is a great and essential trait of a freelancer as you have to do everything on your own. There are very fewer chances of surviving as a freelancer if you do not possess this quality. You can survive for one or two months only.

Get Ready For Rejection

‘Rejected’, out of hundred tries, you have to hear or read this word on 70 occasions. So, make it your habit. You have to wait and spend some time to build a reputation. If you do not have patience, you cannot fit here.

The Fear of Failure

Just like rejection, you cannot avoid failures. While developing a website, you might have a bug issue that you are unable to track and resolve. Your client may ask for a feature in the project and you are not familiar with the technology used in that feature. This will eventually lead to the failure of the project.

Time Management Skills

Half of the work is done when you are managing time properly. When you have a project in your hand, complete it on the time. Many freelancers have to work late night just because of the mismanagement of time. Therefore, time management skills are essential for a freelancer.


You are website developer but do not have designing skills. You need the assistance of a freelance website designer. You are asked to develop an SEO friendly website; you need the assistance of someone who knows SEO. Therefore, your network should be big and grow as you grow as a freelancer.

Marketing strategy

Word of mouth, the internet, traditional business cards, posters and flyers and there are various other tools of marketing. You need to have a plan of action and choose the right tool for marketing so that you can get a steady stream of clients.

Other things you need

Having a computer and reliable internet connection are not the only things you need. You need some special software, office space and office furniture.

So, plan ahead if you are planning to work as a freelancer.




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