It’s the Holiday Season in the Shire

Nifty Wizards
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2023

In two days from now, you can start the blending process to make your very own Magic Christmas Tree which will passively earn you new a new weed strain called “Kris Kringle”!

You start with a single seed. Water it with 7 beers, and sprinkle some Magic DU$T on top and poof — you make a weed tree. There are two weed tree blends — Mint on Demand and Pre-minted (contains mint numbers 1–100).

Take your Weed Tree and add some weed seed ornaments and you’ve got yourself a Christmas Tree. Holding the Christmas Tree will passively earn you the new Kris Kringle Seed. This function won’t be available right away. Look for the trees to start producing seeds early in the new year.

Look how beautiful it is!

The ornaments can be found in the Ornament Packs which will be dropping on the 24th. And if you are a low-mint hunter, we will have a separate drop that includes pre-minted packs #1 — #200. There are a total of 2,000 packs available. There are three types of ornaments and one type of candle. Each pack will contain 3 items. Each item will have a rarity attached: 47% for smokeadot ornaments (common), 30% for aurora borealis ornaments (uncommon), 20% for pink lemonade ornaments (rare), and 3% for the candle (ultra rare).

And for our last trick — add some candles to your Christmas tree and you get a Magic Christmas Tree! Holding the Magic Christmas Tree will passively earn you the new Kris Kringle Weed. This function won’t be available right away. Look for the trees to start producing seeds early in the new year.

The newest weed to hit the streets

Magic requires sacrifice. In this case it will be the weed tree and some ornaments. To blend a Christmas Tree, you will need (1) weed tree (2) pink lemonade ornament (2) aurora borealis ornament and (2) smokeadot ornament.

To blend a Magic Christmas Tree, you will need (1) Weed Tree (2) pink lemonade ornament (2) aurora borealis ornament (2) smokeadot ornament and (1) candle.

Both the Christmas tree and magic Christmas tree will passively earn Kris Kringle weed seeds and weed nft’s respectively. And most importantly — they will do their thing without any help from baby labor. But like babies, these trees stack. The more you own, the more your production.

Weed trees are locked at 200 pcs, Christmas Trees at 140 pcs, and Magic Christmas Trees at 60 pcs. Plan your blending strategy wisely wizards!

