How I Earn Over $1,000 Per Month on Pinterest in 2024: A Guide to Success!

Gig Work Hub
8 min readMar 22, 2024


Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

Pinterest has been assisting individuals in discovering do-it-yourself projects, recipes, favorite products, tutorials, and countless other diverse items since 2010. It serves as a source of inspiration and a goldmine for marketers, offering various opportunities to earn income through the platform.

Through the years, there have been modifications in the ways one can earn through Pinterest, particularly when it comes to affiliate marketing. However, the quality of Pinterest content has significantly improved, resulting in a more genuine experience for every user.

For those looking for ways to generate income in the long run, keep reading. There are various options available such as blogging, virtual assistance, and utilizing Pinterest for affiliate marketing.

1. Start Your Career as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Pinterest virtual assistants assist bloggers, social media influencers, and online business owners in enhancing their Pinterest accounts. This encompasses tasks such as:

  • Generating pins
  • Automating the process of pinning
  • Conducting research on keywords
  • Collaborating with Pinterest Ads Manager to launch Promoted Pins (equivalent to Facebook ads)
  • Designing sales funnels, opt-ins, and other features.

Pinterest virtual assistants appreciate the flexibility of their work, as they have the freedom to choose when and where they work. This also adds to the enjoyment of their job, as it remains engaging. Typically, these assistants have multiple clients and are responsible for varying Pinterest management tasks for each one.

2. Start a blog

Among the many options listed, blogging stands out as the most lucrative way to earn money on Pinterest.

Pinterest has grown into a significant platform over the years, enabling bloggers to connect with millions of individuals online annually. Many people mistakenly believe that Pinterest is only a social media platform similar to Instagram, TikTok, and others. However, this is not the case as it has a much greater impact in terms of assisting bloggers in monetizing their content.

Similar to how you probably came across this article by searching for “how to make money on Pinterest” on Google, the same process occurs on Pinterest. It functions as a search engine, but instead of text, it is focused on images.

Bloggers in various niches have achieved great success through Pinterest marketing, including those in the food and personal finance industries. This demonstrates the effectiveness of this platform for bloggers.

Here is a concise and straightforward explanation of the process of earning money through a blog on Pinterest:

  • Select a niche for your blog such as food, personal finance, fashion, etc.
  • Begin creating and publishing content on your blog, and earn money through advertisements, affiliate products, or sponsored placements.
  • Sign up for a Pinterest account.
  • Design pins to showcase your blog posts on Pinterest, using captivating images to represent the content.
  • Share the image on Pinterest.

There is certainly more to it than just that, however, that is the basic functioning of it. Whenever a Pinterest member conducts a search for content that relates to your blog entry, they will come across your Pin, click on it, and then potentially view your advertisements or make purchases from you. This is the method through which you can earn income using Pinterest.

3. Utilize Pinterest to increase traffic to your online store.

One way to generate income through your eCommerce site is by selling printables on platforms like Etsy. By utilizing Pinterest, you can attract visitors to your site and earn profits.

This data illustrates the significance of Pinterest as a valuable resource for your eCommerce website:

  • According to a survey, 90% of respondents credit Pinterest for aiding them in their purchasing decisions.
  • Furthermore, 78% of those surveyed find it beneficial to come across content from brands they follow on Pinterest.
  • It was also found that 66% of users make purchases after being exposed to products on Pinterest.
  • Notably, Pinterest drives 33% more traffic to shopping websites compared to Facebook.

As an online store owner, you have the ability to utilize Pinterest just like bloggers. This includes creating pins to advertise new products, curating boards for various styles or themes, conducting keyword research, and more.

Pinterest offers the option to create Promoted Pins, which have a similar appearance to regular pins but serve as the platform’s equivalent of Facebook ads. These Promoted Pins can be customized to achieve various objectives, such as increasing website traffic, building brand recognition, or encouraging app downloads. They can be placed in both browse mode and search mode, with the latter being particularly advantageous as it allows for targeting users who are actively searching for your product or similar ones by selecting relevant keywords. This placement is highly valuable as it puts your ads in front of a targeted audience.

4. Pinterest as a Platform for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to the process of teaming up with businesses to endorse their products or services. By receiving an affiliate link, which you can include in your posts or pins, you can earn a commission whenever someone clicks on it and makes a purchase. This is known as achieving a conversion.

These are some crucial points to keep in mind when it comes to affiliate marketing on Pinterest:

  • Before posting any affiliate links on Pinterest, make sure to confirm with the company’s affiliate manager and thoroughly review the terms of your contract to avoid potential restrictions.
  • Some companies, such as Amazon, do not permit the use of their website images for creating pins, even for affiliates.
  • Pinterest has a policy against masking or shortening affiliate links. They prefer complete transparency.
  • It is necessary to disclose your affiliate partnership, as mandated by the FTC. A simple way to do this is by including #affiliate or #affiliatelink in your pin.

For those looking to expand their knowledge on affiliate marketing, whether it be on Pinterest or through their blog, I strongly suggest taking a look at Sara Finance’s Affiliate Marketing course. Sara has consistently earned an impressive $50,000 per month solely from affiliate marketing, all while staying true to her values. I have also been studying Sara’s course for a few months and already earning $5,000 every month consistently that’s why I strongly recommend it.

Click here to learn the techniques for generating passive income through Pinterest by Sara Finance.

5. Earn proficiency from Pinterest and turn it into a source of income.

One can view Pinterest as a vast resource for learning. No matter how obscure the topic, there is a high chance that someone has pinned something related to it. From cake decorating to furniture building to origami, one can find a wide range of tutorials and guides. The platform not only allows users to discover these diverse topics but also provides a means to collect and arrange them.

What if you utilized the knowledge you are gathering? Pinterest offers a wide range of skills to learn, many of which are in high demand and can be marketed, such as:

  • Initiating a podcast
  • The art of calligraphy
  • Organizing your home
  • Knitting or crocheting
  • Capturing moments through photography

Exploring the depths of Pinterest can reveal a plethora of new skills to acquire. Instead of solely using it as a platform for earning money, consider the valuable knowledge that can be gained from Pinterest. The best part is that depending on your chosen path, you can also utilize Pinterest to advertise your offerings.

6. Collaborate with another brand for a promotional campaign.

When collaborating with a brand, a pinner creates pins to advertise the company’s products. This may include product placement ideas such as “10 creative uses for Coca-Cola cans” or “5 amazing Airbnb getaways.”

In order to earn money on Pinterest by collaborating with others, it is essential to have a thriving account and the ability to craft high-quality pins. These pins should be exceptional and stand out among others.

  • The idea of the pin
  • Capturing images
  • Incorporation of brands
  • Creation of the pin design

7. Share your Pinterest tactics with others

Once you have mastered any of the aforementioned ideas, the subsequent move would be to utilize your expertise on Pinterest to generate income.

Once you have successfully secured partnerships with multiple brands, other Pinterest users may be curious about your approach. Share your experience by showcasing your effective Pinterest campaigns for various clients and passing on your expertise.

One can earn money from their expertise on Pinterest by creating and selling courses, ebooks, providing coaching, and other related services. Maintaining a blog can also aid in sharing personal experiences and connecting with individuals who are interested in pursuing similar endeavors.

Helpful Tips for Earning Money on Pinterest

After gaining knowledge on how to earn money through Pinterest, it is crucial to constantly work on expanding your Pinterest audience. Here are some tips on how to do so:

Generate visually appealing pins

Pinterest is a platform that relies heavily on visuals, thus it is crucial for your pins to be eye-catching. This is especially important if you are utilizing Pinterest for financial gain, as your pins must exude a sense of professionalism.

Thankfully, generating unique and top-notch visuals for your pins has become simpler than ever. Canva is a cost-free platform that enables you to create digital images for multiple platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. Additionally, it can also be utilized for making flyers, invitations, business cards, and more. Canva is extremely user-friendly, and it offers a variety of free templates that can be customized with your own text and images.

Understanding how to explain your pins

Pinterest operates as a search engine similar to Google, therefore it is important to use relevant and searchable keywords when describing your Pins. Take a look at the pins that appear at the top of your feed, they likely have concise and straightforward descriptions. This should be your goal as well.

To conduct simple keyword research, begin by typing a topic related to your niche in the search bar. For instance, if you focus on cooking or food, type in “how to cook” and allow Pinterest to suggest related keywords. This will give you an idea of what people are currently searching for.

By incorporating hashtags, you can easily search for specific content. Therefore, it’s important to remember to include them as well.

Engage with fellow pinners

Engage with other users’ content on Pinterest by saving their pins and clicking on their follow links. While Pinterest serves as a search engine, it also functions as a social media site. It is generally recommended to follow this practice on Pinterest. A simple way to show appreciation for someone following you is by saying “Thank you.” Remember, you have the option to unfollow people if you are not interested in their content appearing on your feed.

It is important to possess a business account

To successfully monetize your presence on Pinterest, it is necessary to have a business account. This is essential for establishing partnerships and utilizing affiliate links with brands. Business accounts are free and provide various benefits, including analytics.

Conclusive Thoughts on Mastering the Art of Earning on Pinterest

Pinterest offers numerous possibilities for earning income. One can establish their own business by creating a blog and utilizing Pinterest to expand their following. Alternatively, individuals can serve as a Pinterest virtual assistant for established business owners, aiding in the growth of their ventures through Pinterest.



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