How to Get Ahead of 99% of People in 6 Months That You’ve Never Heard Of

Success guide Hub
4 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Kazi Mizan on Unsplash

We all strive to get ahead in life, but often feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of mediocrity.

The secret to breaking free and leaping ahead of the competition lies in adopting a few little-known strategies that most people overlook.

Here are five successful habits that can catapult you to the top in just six months.

These aren’t your typical tips; they’re powerful, actionable steps that can change your life.

1. Deep Work

Imagine what you could achieve if you could work with laser-like focus for hours on end.

This concept, popularized by Cal Newport in his book “Deep Work,” is about eliminating distractions and dedicating uninterrupted time to high-value tasks.

Think about how often you get interrupted by notifications, emails, or even your own wandering thoughts. Now, picture the productivity boost if you could banish those interruptions.

By setting aside specific blocks of time each day for deep work, you’ll find yourself completing tasks that once took days in just a few hours. It’s like stepping into a parallel universe where time stretches to accommodate your ambitions.

Personally, I started with just four hours of deep work each day, and within weeks, my output had doubled.

You can do the same. Try turning off your phone, using website blockers, and communicating your new schedule to colleagues. Watch as your productivity soars.

2. Relentless Learning

Most people stop learning actively after they leave school, but to truly get ahead, you need to become a lifelong student.

This means reading books, taking online courses, and seeking out mentors regularly. Think about how much knowledge is at your fingertips. The internet is a goldmine of free resources waiting to be tapped.

I remember stumbling upon a free online course on content creation, a field I knew nothing about. Within six months, I had acquired skills that made me invaluable, leading to a earning significant amount of money online.

You too can leverage platforms like Coursera, Khan Academy, or even YouTube to learn something new every day.

Set a goal to learn one new thing daily.

It could be a new language, a coding skill, or even a deeper understanding of history. Over time, these small bits of knowledge compound into a formidable arsenal.

3. Network Ruthlessly

You’ve heard the saying,

“It’s not what you know, but who you know.”

This couldn’t be truer.

Building a network of meaningful connections can open doors you never knew existed. But this isn’t about collecting business cards or LinkedIn connections; it’s about fostering genuine relationships.

Start by reaching out to people in your field whose work you admire.

Send them a thoughtful email, comment on their blog posts, or engage with them on social media. Offer help before asking for it.

I once reached out to a prominent author with a genuine compliment and a small favor. That initial connection blossomed into a mentorship that has been invaluable to my career.

Attend industry events, join professional groups, and don’t shy away from initiating conversations.

Your network is your net worth, and building it with intention can propel you far beyond your current standing.

Related Resources:

4. Optimize Your Body and Mind

To perform at your best, you need to feel your best.

This means prioritizing your physical and mental health. It’s easy to neglect this when you’re busy, but your productivity and creativity suffer when your health does.

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are non-negotiables.

I started incorporating a simple morning routine: a quick workout, a healthy breakfast, and a few minutes of meditation.

The impact was profound. Not only did I feel more energetic, but my mental clarity improved drastically.

Moreover, mental health is just as crucial.

Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and even therapy can help manage stress and keep you focused.

You might think you don’t have time for these, but investing in your health pays the best dividends. Remember, a healthy body supports a sharp mind.

5. Learn and Adapt

Most people fear failure, but it’s one of the best teachers.

Embracing failure means viewing setbacks as learning opportunities.

Every time you fail, you’re given a chance to learn, adapt, and grow. This mindset shift is what sets high achievers apart from the rest.

I once launched a project that flopped miserably. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I analyzed what went wrong and sought feedback.

The insights gained from that failure led to a successful project later on. Embrace failure as a friend rather than an enemy. Each misstep is a step forward on the path to success.

Think of Thomas Edison’s famous quote,

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

This resilience and willingness to learn from mistakes will keep you moving forward, even when the path gets tough.

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