12 Hard Things You Can Do to Gain ‘Unfair’ Advantage in Life

Success Wisdom Zone
9 min readMay 27, 2024


12 Hard Things You Can Do to Gain ‘Unfair’ Advantage in Life
Photo by sushant sodanwar on Unsplash

You want an edge, don’t you?

You crave that ‘unfair’ advantage that sets you apart, makes you unforgettable, and propels you to the top.

But here’s the bitter truth; the path to extraordinary success isn’t paved with ease, it’s lined with challenges that test your resolve, push your limits, and demand your very best.

Here are 12 hard things you can do to gain that unfair advantage in life.

1. Embrace Radical Honesty

Think of radical honesty as the unfiltered lens through which you view the world. Like a clear pane of glass, it allows the pure light of truth to shine through, unobstructed by distortion or deception.

Embrace radical honesty. Tell the truth in every situation, no matter how uncomfortable. The raw authenticity will attract trust and respect, setting you apart in a world full of deceit.

2. Cultivate Deep Work

“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.” — Adam Hochschild

Imagine your mind as a still pond, its surface disturbed by the constant ripples of distraction. Cultivating deep work is like diving beneath the surface, where the waters are calm and undisturbed.

It requires discipline and focus, but it’s in these depths that you uncover treasures of unparalleled creativity and productivity.

In a world of constant noise and interruption, deep work sets you apart as a master craftsman, producing work of incomparable depth and quality. It’s the secret ingredient that elevates your output from ordinary to extraordinary, leaving others in awe of your abilities.

3. Develop an Obsession with Learning

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X

Now, imagine two persons: Maya and Ethan. Maya spends her evenings scrolling through social media feeds, her curiosity confined to the confines of trending topics and viral videos.

Meanwhile, Ethan immerses himself in the world of books, devouring volumes on diverse subjects and seeking out mentors who can expand his horizons.

As time passes, Maya finds herself stagnating, her potential shackled by the chains of superficial knowledge. In contrast, Ethan’s obsession with learning propels him forward, opening doors to opportunities and granting him an unfair advantage in every aspect of life.

In the pursuit of excellence, knowledge is not just power — it’s the ultimate unfair advantage.

To truly stand out, you must become obsessed with learning. So, develop an obsession with learning, for in this pursuit lies the key to unlocking your fullest potential and shaping a future of limitless possibilities.

4. Master the Art of Self-Discipline

Imagine the typical morning scene: the alarm clock yells its wake-up call, but the comfy bed tempts you to hit snooze, pulling you back to sleep like a strong current.

The warmth of the bed whispers promises of fleeting comfort, tempting you to linger in its embrace just a little longer. But in that moment of decision lies the heart of self-discipline — a choice between momentary gratification and long-term success.

It’s a well known fact that to gain an edge in this relentless pursuit of excellence, one must cultivate the habit of self-discipline with unwavering determination.

It begins with the simple act of waking up early, seizing the precious hours of the morning when the world is still and possibilities abound. By embracing the dawn with open arms, you set the tone for a day of purposeful action and intentional living.

But self-discipline is not merely about resisting the allure of comfort; it’s also about embracing discomfort as a necessary stepping stone on the path to achievement.

It’s about sticking to routines even when motivation wanes and obstacles loom large.

It’s about pushing through the barriers of doubt and fatigue, fueled by an unyielding resolve to pursue your dreams with relentless determination.

In the grand tapestry of life, it’s the disciplined who rise above the rest — the ones who are willing to sacrifice momentary pleasures for the sake of long-term success, the ones who understand that greatness is not bestowed upon the faint of heart but earned through perseverance and self-mastery.

5. Network with Intention

“Your network is your net worth.” — Porter Gale

Imagine your network as a garden, brimming with potential and possibility.

You attend networking events, exchanging business cards like seeds scattered upon fertile soil. But without intention and care, those seeds may wither and die, their potential untapped.

To cultivate a thriving garden of relationships, one must network with intention.

It’s about more than just collecting contacts — it’s about nurturing genuine connections that bear fruit over time.

Like a skilled gardener, you must tend to your network with consistency and care, watering it with communication and nourishing it with mutual respect.

Networking with intention means following up consistently, not allowing valuable connections to fade into obscurity like forgotten blooms in the garden.

It means offering value before seeking it, cultivating a spirit of generosity and reciprocity that fosters trust and goodwill.

In the currency of an unfair advantage, relationships reign supreme.

They are the seeds from which opportunities sprout and the foundation upon which success is built. So, approach networking with intention.

Cultivate your garden of relationships with care, and watch as it blossoms into a source of endless opportunity and advantage.

6. Embrace Solitude

You may find yourself constantly connected, tethered to the digital world by the invisible threads of technology, afraid of being alone with your thoughts.

But in solitude lies the key to unlocking profound insights and uncovering hidden truths that elude those who fear the silence.

Embrace solitude as a sanctuary for quiet reflection, a sacred space where you can listen to the whispers of your inner thoughts and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Through meditation and introspection, you can navigate the maze of your mind, unraveling its mysteries and tapping into a wellspring of creativity and inspiration.

In the stillness of solitude, you’ll find clarity and ideas that others miss. So, Embrace solitude as a source of strength and self-discovery. Spend time in quiet reflection, meditate, listen to your inner thoughts.

7. Learn to Say No

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” — Warren Buffett

Imagine you’re juggling multiple balls in the air, each one representing a commitment or obligation you’ve agreed to.

As a people-pleaser, you find it hard to say no, and soon, you’re overwhelmed, struggling to keep all the balls in the air. This is where the power of saying no comes into play.

Consider Steve Jobs. When he returned to Apple in 1997, the company was on the brink of collapse, burdened by a sprawling product line.

Jobs made the bold decision to say no to numerous projects, cutting down the product line to just four core products. This focus allowed Apple to innovate and excel, eventually becoming one of the most valuable companies in the world.

By learning to say no, you protect your time and energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

It’s not about shutting doors but about opening the right ones. Saying no is your secret weapon, enabling you to direct your efforts toward your most important goals without spreading yourself thin.

8. Practice Stoicism

“He who is brave is free.” — Seneca

In a world where emotions often drive decisions, practicing Stoicism can provide a powerful counterbalance.

This ancient philosophy teaches you to embrace calm, focus on what you can control, and accept what you cannot. By practicing Stoicism, you gain a modern edge in navigating life’s challenges.

Think about Admiral James Stockdale, a former U.S. Navy officer and Vietnam War POW (Prisoner of War). During his captivity, Stockdale applied Stoic principles to endure and resist his captors.

He focused on controlling his responses and maintaining his integrity, despite the extreme conditions. This mental resilience helped him survive and eventually return home with honor.

When you practice Stoicism, you cultivate an inner calm that helps you navigate daily stresses and larger life challenges with grace. For a deeper dive into this philosophy, check out this insightful video: Stoic advice to conquer the day.

By focusing on what you can control and accepting what you can’t, you build a foundation of resilience and strength.

Embrace the wisdom of Seneca and the Stoics, and you’ll find that this ancient philosophy not only enriches your life but also equips you to face modern challenges with a composed and powerful mindset.

9. Seek Discomfort

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” — Neale Donald Walsch

In a world that encourages comfort and ease, seeking discomfort can set you apart. Growth happens when you challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone.

For example, David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and ultramarathon runner is known for pushing his physical and mental limits, embracing extreme discomfort to achieve extraordinary feats.

From running ultra-long distances to enduring grueling training sessions, he continually seeks discomfort to grow stronger and more resilient.

You might be asking, “but how do I embrace discomfort?” It’s simple.

You can start by incorporating small challenges into your daily routine.

Take cold showers, push your physical limits with intense workouts, and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Discomfort is the crucible in which you develop an unfair advantage.

So, seek discomfort, challenge yourself, and embrace the growth that comes from it. In the end, it’s through these challenges that you will achieve unparalleled success and strength.

10. Create and Stick to a Morning Routine

“How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life.” — Hal Elrod, author of the bestselling book “The Miracle Morning”

Creating and sticking to a morning routine is like planting and tending a garden. Just as a garden flourishes when you water it, pull weeds, and nurture it daily, your life thrives when you start each day with intention and consistency.

A morning routine is as vital as the foundation of a house.

Just as a strong foundation supports the entire structure, a solid morning routine provides the stability and strength you need to build a successful day.

Starting your day haphazardly, reacting to the world around you, sets a chaotic tone. Instead here’s what you need to do, create a structured morning routine that allows you to begin your day with intention and control.

Think about, Hal Elrod himself. After surviving a near-fatal car accident, he developed “The Miracle Morning” routine, which involves waking up early and engaging in practices like meditation, exercise, reading, and goal setting.

This routine helped him transform his life and achieve extraordinary success.

By creating and sticking to a morning routine, you set a positive tone for the rest of the day. It helps you take control and approach your tasks with focus and energy.

Remember, a strong start is half the battle won.

11. Be a Lifelong Student of Human Nature

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” — Lao Tzu

Many people interact on a superficial level, missing out on deeper connections and understandings. To gain a significant edge, become a lifelong student of human nature.

Being a lifelong student of human nature is like having a key that unlocks hidden doors, revealing the true motivations and emotions behind people’s actions and words.

Yes, studying human nature is like learning to read a new language; just as fluency in a language allows you to understand and communicate effectively, fluency in human nature allows you to connect deeply and respond insightfully.

So, delve into psychology, study body language, and understand motivations. This insight will transform your interactions.

Think about Dale Carnegie, the author of the bestselling book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

Carnegie’s profound understanding of human nature allowed him to teach others how to build genuine relationships and effectively influence those around them.

His work continues to impact millions because it taps into the core of what drives human behavior.

By committing to understanding human nature, you unlock the ability to connect deeply and meaningfully with others. This insight gives you an unfair advantage in personal and professional interactions.

And the incredible part? It will also give you a powerful edge in achieving your goals.

12. Commit to Lifelong Goals

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” — Tony Robbins

In a world where fleeting desires and short-term gratification dominate, it’s crucial to commit to lifelong goals. These are the big, audacious dreams that require relentless effort and unwavering dedication.

A perfect example is Elon Musk. Despite numerous setbacks and challenges, Musk’s commitment to his long-term vision of space exploration and sustainable energy has led to groundbreaking advancements with SpaceX and Tesla.

His relentless pursuit of these lifelong goals, despite the odds, showcases the power of long-term commitment.

By setting and committing to lifelong goals, you give yourself an incredible advantage.

While others may get distracted by short-term gains, your focus on long-term objectives will set you apart and lead to extraordinary achievements.

So, take Tony Robbins’ advice and commit to your biggest dreams. This long-term vision, coupled with tireless effort, will become your ultimate unfair advantage in a world focused on instant gratification.

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