Why We Believe Everyone Is Going to Switch to SuchApp

3 min readApr 1, 2018


The other day, I had the chance to sit down and talk with a group of crypto enthusiasts about blockchain technology and the crypto market as a whole. One of the questions that I was repeatedly asked related to SuchApp and what makes it more appealing that Messenger or WhatsApp.

Initially, I was going to list the features that made SuchApp better than other messaging services. Then I realized that most people don’t care about jargon-filled technical details — they want value. So I started listing reasons how SuchApp helps people in ways that other messenger platforms do not.

Here are some features that set SuchApp apart from its competition:

Location-based messaging: Users can build social networks within their community, government workers can send alerts and notifications to people in specific areas warning them of problems, and brands can create focused marketing campaigns that target specific communities.

Unlimited group size: Groups aren’t capped, which means that you can grow your community as large as you like. For group owners, this could result in more revenue if there are advertisements or sponsorship agreements associated with their group.

4K video: Along with text and voice chat, SuchApp allows users to upload and stream 4K video, including live video conferencing.

Increased security: WhatsApp might be encrypted, but it’s not driven by blockchain technology that protects messages, data, and in-app transactions from being deleted or tampered with.

SuchApp rewards users for activity: SuchApp’s viral referral system rewards loyal users with airdropped SPS tokens that can be used to purchase goods and services at participating businesses. Also, group owners who onboard more than 1000 members are rewarded with a free SuchApp smartphone.

SuchApp Is Business Driven

Unlike other messaging platforms, SuchApp was also designed to help enterprises and entrepreneurs expand their influence and increase profit margins. The platform’s built-in crypto economy is easy to use and lets businesses turn their SuchApp presence into a fully-functioning digital marketplace. SuchApp even partnered with the Wish Knish platform to help create an in-app insurance marketplace where customers could immediately buy, manage, and cancel insurance policies over SuchApp.

Since SuchApp allows users to create an unlimited amount of groups, businesses can develop groups that serve different purposes. One group might be dedicated specifically to helping customers, while another group could be used as part of a content marketing strategy.

People Are Ready to Make the Switch

Over the past couple of years, there’s been a large move away from emails and SMS messaging. People are spending more time on apps like WhatsApp, Kik, and WeChat instead.

  • The average Kakao user spends 50 minutes a day using the app.
  • WhatsApp has a user base of approximately 900-million, making it the most-popular messaging service.
  • Facebook Messenger has just under 750-million users.

Despite the popularity of these messaging services, they don’t follow the same inclusive business model as SuchApp. People use those platforms to send messages, and then use other social media services to post messages in groups, share pictures and videos, and engage with members of your community. With SuchApp, you can do it all.

SuchApp is the first blockchain-enabled messaging platform, and one of only three that offers a digital wallet. More than just a way to send and receive messages, SuchApp is the most inclusive social economy to date. By appealing to the general public, entrepreneurs, and the corporate audience, SuchApp is expected to spearhead the big revolution in online communication.

Together, we believe these are powerful reasons why millions of users will switch to using SuchApp. We’ve put together a comprehensive customer acquisition strategy that leverages our SPS token to create a viral referral system that will allow us to reach our goal of becoming one of the top 5 global messaging platforms within 5 years.

Visit our website today to learn more about SuchApp and our upcoming ICO.

