Emulating Arjuna’s Quest for Self-Realization Before Finding Krishna as a Friend

Sachin Sedai
3 min readAug 11, 2023
Krishna and Arjuna ( ai generated)

In the vast tapestry of Hindu philosophy and mythology, the relationship between Arjuna and Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita stands as a profound example of a seeker’s journey towards self-realization. This allegorical narrative carries timeless lessons, teaching us that before we establish a deep connection with the divine, we must first become Arjuna — a seeker of truth and self-awareness. By aligning ourselves with Arjuna’s state of consciousness, we can better understand the path to forming a genuine bond with the divine, represented by Krishna.

Before Arjuna even encounters Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, he faces a moral and existential crisis. As he stands amidst his kinsmen, teachers, and loved ones, he is torn between his duty as a warrior and the ethical implications of the battle. Arjuna’s turmoil is symbolic of the human struggle with inner conflict and moral choices. This mirrors our own inner dilemmas — the conflicts between desires, responsibilities, and the quest for higher understanding.

Emulating Arjuna is about recognizing and embracing our own dilemmas. It’s about acknowledging our limitations, doubts, and struggles. By becoming like Arjuna, we begin our journey of self-discovery. Just as he opened himself up to the vulnerabilities of his heart and mind, we must also face our own inner battles with humility and courage.

As we embark on our journey of self-awareness, we become receptive to the wisdom and guidance that Krishna represents. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna imparts profound teachings to Arjuna, guiding him from confusion to clarity. Similarly, when we strive to understand our own nature and purpose, we open the doors to receiving divine insights and guidance.

The friendship that Arjuna forms with Krishna transcends mere companionship; it signifies an alignment of the seeker’s consciousness with divine wisdom. By first becoming Arjuna — a seeker with a genuine thirst for self-realization — we pave the way for a friendship with the divine, represented by Krishna. This friendship isn’t confined to external interactions but reflects an inner unity between our soul’s quest and the wisdom of the universe.

Becoming Arjuna isn’t just about reading philosophy; it’s a call to introspection and self-awareness. It’s about questioning our beliefs, confronting our doubts, and seeking the truth within. Just as Arjuna approached Krishna with humility and an open heart, we too should approach our spiritual quests with the same openness and readiness to learn.

The journey of becoming Arjuna before making Krishna a friend is a profound lesson rooted in Hindu philosophy. By embracing our inner dilemmas, doubts, and vulnerabilities, we mirror Arjuna’s openness to self-discovery. Through this introspective journey, we align ourselves with the divine wisdom represented by Krishna. The Bhagavad Gita’s timeless teachings remind us that the path to profound spiritual connection begins with becoming seekers of truth, much like Arjuna’s transformation on the battlefield of life.



Sachin Sedai

Just a page where I post what I learn throughout this intricate web called life.