Being Cynical Can Be Good

Suchitra sinha
2 min readJan 31, 2022


Am I a cynical person who thinks life sucks? probably yes. My past failures in life had made me one. Does this make me hate everything about the word? Yes, for a brief period of time in my life. Do I want to continue being a modern cynical person? My answer is Nope.

Today, I came across an article about the same. I learned how being cynical was a good thing in the past. Are you surprised? I was too.

Original cynicism was a revolutionary movement that called people to search for deep wisdom and happiness. It questioned conventional dogmas and believed in withholding our judgments if we are not sure of anything. Original cynicism focuses on the actions we can control, unlike modern cynicism which blames the outside world for one’s difficult situations.

But unfortunately, the meaning of cynicism has changed over time and modern cynicism is a vicious virtue to have because in the long term it is going to make us less healthy, less happy, less successful, and less respected by others, as per the recent studies.

There are ways in which we can inculcate original cynicism in our day to day life.

1. Not subjugating decisions/motivation to do something based on external motivations like money, power, positions.

2. Giving up substances or habits which are detrimental for us.

3. Stop seeking external validation via conventional standards.

4. Treat everyone with respect and kindness.

