Use 🦙 Llama-2 For FREE

Sudarshan Koirala
3 min readAug 8, 2023


3 Websites You MUST Know and TRY

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Llama 2, the latest large language model (LLM) from Meta AI, has made quite a splash in the AI community, especially with its impressive ranking on the HuggingFace leaderboard. For those eager to harness its capabilities, there are multiple avenues to access Llama 2, including the Meta AI website, Hugging Face, Microsoft Azure, and Replicate’s API. In this blog post, I will guide you on using Llama 2 on different platforms which provide the service for FREE.

Llama 2’s introduction was met with much anticipation, and if you’re entirely new to this model, I have created an introductory video where I have explained into its features and capabilities.

As using different platforms is straight forward, I don’t think its necessary to provide you sample examples on what sorts of example you can ask. Feel free to explore it yourself with whatever you want to ask 😎

3 Website Link You Must KNOW and TRY

Official chat platform provided by Meta.

One of the primary platforms to access Llama 2 is This official chat platform has recently made it mandatory for users to log in to engage with the chat. Once inside, users have the flexibility to choose the model size, ranging from 7B to 70B, and set parameters like temperature. However, while the interface is user-friendly, it’s worth noting that the response time can be a quite slower when compared to other models like ChatGPT.

Chat platform from Perplexity AI

Another platform that has integrated Llama 2 is Perplexity AI. Here too, users have the flexibility to choose the model size, ranging from 7B to 70B. The platform stands out for its detailed metrics accompanying each response, providing insights into the time taken and tokens per second. A significant advantage of Perplexity AI is its swift response times and the depth of answers, making it a preferred choice for many.

Chat platform from Huggingface

HuggingFace Chat offers the UI similar to ChatGPT, but with the added advantage of being able to choose from a variety of models. The platform also provides a rapid response times, but it’s essential to note that a sign-in is now required to access the chat.


Llama 2 has opened up a world of possibilities in the realm of AI. Whether you’re a coder looking to fine-tune models or someone keen on exploring its capabilities, there are multiple platforms at your disposal. Among the ones discussed, at least from my experience in using the platforms, Perplexity AI emerges as a top contender for its speed and depth. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, Llama 2 is undoubtedly a significant milestone worth exploring.

IF you are a video person, I have covered how to use LLAMA-2 for Free in my youtube video. Having a video recording and blog post side-by-side might help you understand things better.

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Recommended YouTube playlists:

  1. LangChain-Framework-Build-Around-LLMs
  2. VSCode-Git-GitHub
  3. Chainlit with LangChain

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