How Aesthetic Branding Sells Like Crazy

We buy it for the aesthetic

Sude Hammal
5 min readAug 10, 2020
Photo by Le Buzz on Unsplash

The function of the product you are going to buy is an essential part of deciding if you should buy it or the other counterpart. To buy a computer, you look at its storage capacity, RAM, operating system, screen size— and maybe other features depending on your interest and expertise on computers — before buying it.

But what if I tell you, the packaging and the overall design and aesthetic is most of the time more important in making our buying decisions of any product? From laptops to skincare and backpacks. To the point it can bypass the quality of a product.

And of course, popularity and being trendy contributes to it, but simple designs and aesthetic branding is what mostly carries the brand to that point in the present day.

Let’s first start to examine this phenomenon by looking into two tech giant firms: Apple and Samsung. Let’s make a simple comparison of their cellphone models because the source of their battle largely comes from their smartphone competition.

Apple is known for its simple design and easy usage. Its homepage design and overall look in your hand, and of course, the reputation of the brand, is enough for some to buy an iPhone. It’s safe to say most of its popularity comes from these simplistic features and…



Sude Hammal

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: