How to Analyze Instagram User Data with SQL Fundamentals | Trainity Project

4 min readJun 4, 2023


Finding business insights that can be used by teams across the business to launch a new marketing campaign, decide on features to build for an app, track the success of the app by measuring user engagement and improve the experience altogether while helping the business grow.

YouTube video link Presentation:


  • Project Description
  • Approach
  • Tech-Stack Used
  • Insights
  • Result

Project Description

Finding business insights that can be used by teams across the business to launch a new marketing campaign, decide on features to build for an app, track the success of the app by measuring user engagement and improve the experience altogether while helping the business grow.


Database creation: Created and inserted the values in the database using the DDL & DML SQL queries provided by the product manager (as per project) in the MySQL database using MySQL workbench.

Extraction of insights: After creating the database required insights are generated from the database tables by running SQL queries in MySQL workbench.

Tech-Stack Used

Used MySQL Community Server — GPL Version 8.0.29 and Connector Version C++ 8.0.29 for creating my project as MySQL Community Server — GPL is a free and open-source relational database management system that uses SQL.

Insights: Marketing

# 1.Rewarding Most Loyal Users: People who have been using the platform for the longest time.

FROM users
ORDER BY created_at

The 5 oldest users of the Instagram from the database are:

# 2.Remind Inactive Users to Start Posting: By sending them promotional emails to post their 1st photo.

Count(p.user_id) AS 'no._of_posts'
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN photos p
ON = p.user_id
HAVING Count(p.user_id) = 0;

The users who have never posted a single photo on Instagram

# 3.Declaring Contest Winner: The team started a contest and the user who gets the most likes on a single photo will win the contest now they wish to declare the winner.

FROM users
WHERE id = (SELECT user_id
FROM photos
WHERE id = (SELECT photo_id
FROM likes
GROUP BY photo_id
ORDER BY Count(photo_id) DESC
LIMIT 1));

Details of the winner of the contest are:

# 4.Hashtag Researching: A partner brand wants to know, which hashtags to use in the post to reach the most people on the platform.

SELECT t.tag_name,
Count(t.tag_name) AS "tags count"
FROM tags t
INNER JOIN photo_tags ph
ON = ph.tag_id
GROUP BY t.tag_name
ORDER BY Count(t.tag_name) DESC

The top 5 most commonly used hashtags on the platform are

# 5.Launch AD Campaign: The team wants to know, which day would be the best day to launch ADs.

SELECT Dayname(created_at) "day of week",
Count(Dayname(created_at)) "count of users registered"
FROM users
GROUP BY Dayname(created_at)
ORDER BY Count(Dayname(created_at)) DESC

Day of the week do most users register on :

Insights: investor metrics

# 1. User Engagement: Are users still as active and post on Instagram or they are making fewer posts.

FROM photos) / (SELECT Count(DISTINCT user_id)
FROM photos) AS Average_posts_per_User,
(SELECT Count(id)
FROM photos) / (SELECT Count(id)
FROM users) AS Ratio_of_Total_Posts_to_Total_Users;

Average user posts and ratio of total posts to total users in Instagram are:

# 2.Bots & Fake Accounts: The investors want to know if the platform is crowded with fake and dummy accounts

FROM users
WHERE id IN (SELECT user_id
FROM likes
GROUP BY user_id
HAVING Count(user_id) = (SELECT Count(id)
FROM photos));

Data of users (bots) who have liked every single photo on the site (since any normal user would not be able to do this) are:


  • Data analysis using SQL queries to extract insights from database by which we track how users engage and interact with our digital product (software or mobile application) in an attempt to derive business insights for marketing, product & development teams.

Conclusions from above analysis:

  • Marketing team can reward the most loyal customers, send promotional emails to inactive users, use popular hashtags and most active day for brand promotions.
  • User engagement can be very useful success metric for the growth of the company.
  • Company can remove the bots and fake accounts from the platform to enhance the user experience.

Thank you for your time.

GitHub link for all the data sources:


