The Power of Perspective & Flawed Internet.

Sudhir Narisetty
3 min readDec 30, 2014


The internet is a miracle. It transcends our thoughts, ideas, words, and learning that go on to impact the world. But the way the internet works today is in bubbles, isolated paradises with the “right” information. That’s why when we meet someone who doesn’t talk like us, dress like us or even look like us, we don’t quite understand them, let alone understanding the world and it’s issues. While we are more connected, we have been isolated in our own perspectives of the world.

Mr. Rogers, the host of the popular show, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, always carried in his wallet a quote that said,

‘Frankly, there isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story.’

Who we are and how we think are heavily influenced by the places we live in, ideas we believe in and histories we come from. When we effectively communicate these experiences and tell stories with our perspective, we can help other people understand our world and come together to solve its problems. The power of perspective is often underestimated. It introduces us to new ideas, helps us look at the world from a whole new angle and bridges the gaps of human ideologies.

Every story is written with a perspective, a side of the coin. We have to understand the complete picture of whatever we see. We've all read the story of The Three Blind Men and The Elephant. For those of you who haven't it goes something like this.

Three blind men want to learn what an elephant is like. They come across an elephant and each of them touched a part of the elephant, but just one part. First man feels the legs and learned that the elephant is like a tree. The second man feels the trunk and learned that the elephant is like a snake. The third man feels the stomach and learned that the elephant is like a wall. Then they compare notes to realize that they all disagree with each other.

The internet works in bubbles, isolated paradises with the “right” information. While we are more connected, we have been isolated in our own perspective of the world.

So the question is, will we remain dormant in our isolation and keep our ideas and perspectives to ourselves or will we unleash our imagination and creativity to bridge human ideologies? We believe the true potential of the internet in connecting us and our ideals is yet to come, and we’d like to play a part in that. Despite all the differences among us, we humans are capable of greatness our ideas can go on to change the world.

Vibrantcove introduces you to ideas and perspectives that change our perceptions about this world and bring us closer as one species.

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Sudhir Narisetty

Do not go gentle into that good night. Founder, Vibrantcove.