Learning to program was and is way more interesting.

Sudip Bashyal
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


I see a lot of people including my nearby friends who come to this programming journey, and I find that they are looking at this so much of interested field with the traditional job-scope kind of perspective. Now, no offence, job comes to priority in IT field, too. However, what I perceive is doing IT to make bucks and bucks of money and so doing whatever courses as like you do for any other field so to cross over the milestones of getting a well-paid job is what many many and many people come to. Straight to the point, learning to program is never for one who can’t use his intellect. Of course, almost everyone who spends time day and night problem-solving will love for-sure because this is what programming is. Learning to program. Learning to make sequence maybe taking some input, manipulating it, and based on some conditions that is the outcome of the input, making bunches of actions. And after stacking over this kind of simple logic, you come to a point where you have created whole lots of nested loops, conditions, variables, and many more programming stuffs.

Almost everyone who come to programming as a beginner will be spending his whole day or week or even months searching for a non-productive question “Which programming language should I go with?”. Chances are you might have heard this almost more than 200 times. But bare with me, this is where they haven’t figured out what exactly programming is. Now, one thing worth mentioning, asking for advice just to see the fruits from that programming language is absolutely fine, but sticking to it isn’t. Now, you might say, “Okay, then can you explain why not to go with this question.”. Sure, as a beginner, I too came up with this same question that almost all of the programmers come up with.

Now, let’s reveal the answer of the above question. See, there is only and only one programming concept of computer like that of surgical concept of human body. Now, wait a second, “but I see so many surgical fields like: neurosurgery, teeth-surgery(I don’t know if it exists but something like this)”. Yes, programming also do have this kind of practice. Software Development is there which requires programming, hacking is there which most of the time requires programming, to name few. Now, for each and every specific field there are better options or rather best out of best programming languages to go with to achieve what is supposed to in that field. So, none of the programming language is made so to solve each and every problems. One comes up with focusing one thing and others with other. Nevertheless, this is one programming concepts: data types, variables, control flow(conditions, loop..), object-oriented programming for many languages that goes with class, it’s objects and so forth, API(Application Programming Interface), database: you can go with whatever you find best, server-side language, and many others which aren’t mentioned here. So, the key-point is, language you can learn and feel cozy with that language within two days or so but only after you have soaked the programming concept. Now, don’t think that each programming concept comes with totally new way of doing things, now, however, odds are they come up with new feature or better to say techniques to solve any given problem. So, learn the root concept, now this also brings another question, now, how should I learn concept then. Simple, choose any language, now don’t take a week to choose one, choose any of them because you don’t only have one choice to pick in the span of your life-time. No, no, no, pick any one of them which is generalized like Python, JavaScript, Java, C, Dart any that you find yourself comfortable with. So, don’t just dig yourself into ‘Tutorial-Hell’ where you just passively watch tutorials online. And also, as a beginner you would find learning any programming language from their official documentation is tough because they are mostly designed for intermediate programmers so first you can watch and videos on Udemy, Youtube, and then after the span of 6 months or a year you will be able to understand those in-depth documentations. Then, prefer documentation to videos, because that is where all of the information is packed in.

So, this is it. Thank you so much for being with me throughout this article. Have a great day ahead.

