Suffering from Musical Ear Syndrome? Hearing Aids can help

Hearing Plus
3 min readJan 13, 2023


Suffering from Musical Ear Syndrome? Hearing Aids can help

At times, it happens that a song gets stuck in your head. But do you often feel that something is being played when in reality, it’s actually not? You might be suffering from Musical Ear Syndrome (MES) and might require hearing aids.

Musical Ear Syndrome (MES) is a condition that causes auditory hallucinations, and you often hear music or a sound when no such thing is playing. You might think it is not a serious condition and ignore seeking treatment. But audiologists say that MES most likely occurs as a result of hearing loss and needs to be treated before it’s too late.

What causes Musical Ear Syndrome?

MES can hit anyone, irrespective of age. It is similar to tinnitus which produces a ringing sound in the ear. Hence, MES is sometimes known as musical tinnitus. But the question is what causes MES.

According to an audiologist, there is not a single cause of MES. Many experts think that it is mainly caused due to hearing loss. When the brain does not hear enough sounds, it starts to produce sound as a lack of stimulation to fill in the gaps of the brain caused by hearing impairment.

Though rare, it can also be caused by ototoxic medications, which lead to auditory hallucinations. Moreover, audiologists stated that MES also affect patients due to the removal of cochlear implants.

You need to understand that there is no cure for MES. However, the symptoms can be managed by undergoing hearing loss treatment.

You can seek the best hearing loss treatment in Kolkata from certified audiologists having years of experience.

Treatment options for Musical Ear Syndrome

Whenever you experience a constant sensation of music or song in your ears, visit an experienced audiologist. You can search “Hearing Aids Clinic near meto get a list of audiological centres nearby and get treated by the best audiologists.

The audiologist will examine the severity of your condition and prepare a treatment plan accordingly.

Some of the common treatment options are:

Hearing aids: You will be recommended hearing aids after a hearing aid trial to stimulate the brain and prevent the brain from filling in the gaps caused by sound deprivation.

Cognitive behavioural therapy: This therapy helps you to ignore the music and

focus on the actual sound.

Changing medications: If the cause of your MES is due to certain medications, your audiologist will ask you to stop taking the medicines and instead take a different one after consulting with your doctor.

Hearing aids are the most preferred option to treat Musical Ear Syndrome (MES). There are several reports of patients who were able to manage the symptoms of MES using hearing aids.

Always make sure to purchase hearing aids according to your requirements. You can get the best hearing aids in Kolkata at affordable prices and the latest technology to suit your needs and cost.

