Embracing the Trickster

How Loki Guides Us Through Shadow Work

Sue Crielaard
7 min readMar 9, 2024

In Norse mythology, Loki stands out as a complex and kind of hard to figure out character. He’s portrayed as a trickster, shapeshifter, and mischief-maker, Loki’s presence in the myths goes beyond mere chaos.

I love Loki. He’s complex. Is he a good guy, or a bad guy? I think he gets misunderstood more than anything. On the surface, he seems so untrustworthy, and like a lawyer working for the other team…you always have to look for the fine print. In the metaphysical world, sort of like dealing with the Fae!

I think Loki serves as a powerful symbol for confronting our inner shadows and navigating the depths of our psyche. Loki can serve as a guide in shadow work, as I think his nature is to illuminate the darkness within ourselves. That intense distrust or even dislike of Loki stems maybe from how we feel about our own shadow nature. Trouble is with Shadow… until we embrace and own it…we think it belongs to other people.

Understanding the Shadow

Before thinking about Loki’s role in shadow work, it’s essential to get the whole Shadow thing. Remember Carl Jung? The shadow is the unconscious aspects of our personality, encompassing…



Sue Crielaard

I'm down a deep rabbit hole of metaphysics, Akashic Records Reading, and Reiki. I love to write and share what I learn.