The Gods of Hawaiian Mythology

2 min readJan 28, 2019


The Hawaiian religion is both animistic and polytheistic, meaning its followers believe in a natural world that is imbued with spirits, who are ruled over by gods and goddesses. Here’s a look at some of the major gods of Hawaiian mythology:

I’o is the unmanifest source of creation. It was this unseen entity who breathed Mana, a divine energy, across the Po (darkness), bringing life to all things, living and non-living.

Kāne is the god of procreation who brings prosperity to the wildlands of Hawaii. He also helped create humans from red and white clay, gifting them with life.

Ku is the god of war. He saved the other deities on numerous occasions when wars broke out. Ku, who was known as the “eater of islands” for conquering so many islanders.

Lono is the god of cultivated foods, education and music. Some say that after an incident with his first mortal wife Kaikilani, the rain was Lono’s tears over his loss of her.

Kanaloa is the god of the sea. Legends state that he led a horde of spirits against the other gods who then banished them to the underworld as punishment.

Wākea is the sky father and ancestor of the Hawaiian people. He holds dominion over the daylight symbolises the sky from which the sun and rain fertilize the earth.

Kamohoaliʻi is a shark god who swims around the islands of Hawaii. He is said to have guided the ships of the islanders from the mainland to their homes in Hawaii.

Pakaʻa is the god of the wind. He has the ability to create powerful gales or calm the ocean with a soft breeze.

Kahoali is the god of sorcery. His favourite drink was kava served with a human eyeball in it. He could construct figurines and bring them to life to do his bidding.

Kamapua’a is the god of wild boars, whose name literally means “hog child.” He was born on Oahu to humans and could transform from human to hog.

Kaulu is a trickster who is at times violent & destructive. He is known for being extremely powerful, both physically and with magic, and can shapeshift into objects or animals.

Maui is a benevolent demigod who holds dominion over the sun. When the sun rose and set too quickly, Maui tamed it and extended the length of the day.

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