When Parts of You Feel Conflicted About the Weather

Sue Relihan
3 min readNov 7, 2019

This time of year can be challenging for those of us that prefer longer days of daylight. Depending on the altitude and climate where we live, there may be snow, or rain, or wind, or just plain cold.

We may have parts of us that truly hate the cold, and other parts that don’t mind it if we don’t have to go out in it. We may hate the thought of driving on treacherous roads or walking on icy surfaces but love looking at the crystals and snow on the limbs of the trees.

Those of us who love this time of year, we may have parts that like to stay inside and enjoy indoor activities. We may have parts of us that want to snuggle under a blanket on the couch and get caught up on movies or read a good book. Another part of us may love this time year because we can stay inside and play games with friends/family.

Although we may be challenged in adapting to the change of seasons many of us identify with parts on both sides of this polarity.

The trick is realizing that ALL parts of us are welcome and it’s up to us to help all of our parts get their needs met even in difficult times.

This first step is to take the time to listen inside. This is the time to decipher how all of our parts feel about these circumstances? Are some of them afraid, or sad, or even angry?



Sue Relihan

Metamorphosis Mentor and Best-selling Author of Metamorphosis - One Woman's Journey to Serenity & Empowerment.