
Naoki Yoshioka
15 min readMar 2, 2015







いやまあ、その通りですけど。実際に自分の仕事はMacbook Proを使っています。Appleのいいところ悪いところもよく知ってるつもりです。でも仕事道具とガジェットは少し違うのではと思います。だってiPhoneの前はdocomoのガラケーで充分満足していましたからね。でも仕事でMBP以外を使うのはやはり無理です。仕事が仕事ですからね。ここはしょうがない。でも携帯やガジェットてそういうものでもないような気がしますね。







Design is good, that illusion

Professional is because designers, but is the title that could tighten the very his neck, since this is an honest impression of the portion realized I actually now, Well ginger not kana. Well it is a story of smartphone.

My blog ever write a blog in this Medium, probably per 8–9 th, is still of blog is left somewhere on the server, neither smell in the vast space of the net, the rot does not even But it should have been to remain abandoned as a kind of non-combustible garbage definitely. Wonder if because it is life theory Toka Toka philosophy theory humanities scientific content there were many. And a lightly speak unlikely about being like a and profane Poi about feeling smartphone, Toka Na not it also so bitter update of the this if blog, I noticed a little while Imasara.

In, smartphone.

After changing to Nexus5 from iPhone As written here many times, it is every day of the scales from the eyes. It’s unpleasant, if that is not the iPhone and say easy! I mean is that kana was anything to do with myself. Rather than that Which one is better, it is what kind of tool for the people, is that I wonder if necessary for what. Perhaps this kind of care with if you are using only the iPhone will not be obtained. Here is better than the previous model, bad, good surprisingly this feature, it is just that bad, that. Why yourself answer that can be prepared for the fact that if you’re using the iPhone is actually not many.

For example …

Because it is Apple’s products.

Well Well, I is the street. Actually their work is using a Macbook Pro. I’m going I know well also bad place nice thing about Apple. But work tools and gadgets I think in a little different from. It because because the previous iPhone was fully satisfied with Garake of docomo. But it is still impossible to use the MBP surprising at work. I because work is work. Here is not ginger. It will feel like not even those things But Te mobile gadgets.

Because there is a good design

I came. This is the main issue of this post. Will differ is how to catch by people and design. And because it is what that is and creative proposition and very philosophical proposition but I wrote a little in the previous post was together over highly dense about Ron and design, Toka is good simply this finish, this font is Toka beautiful, You will see good to not such superficial things. So is what even they want to talk about the previous UX thing but, So is the UX is too few opportunities to meet in discourse that iPhone users are going well for the part of how unlike the good with the other for you. UX took the best of do! I do not have to hear much more talk that. The iPhone looks of course, the UX is the best! Until then it is generally agreed, but the design is good, I thought the kana If So still half considering the perspective of. Mail watch, WEB is watch, are provided a variety of available apps, it works seamlessly to stress, high self-satisfaction to have, Toka etc .. as my as “design I solve the problem Because how’s “wearing To roughly the philosophy, If you’re such a problem is can be resolved, I think the gadgets become assessment that is good design. In that respect the iPhone design it is no doubt the fact that good. But is realized that a good design as the reason for selecting the iPhone, many other smartphone also design in the world as long as that is good, this is true. No, no it is not the case, Toka this detail is good, How can this display method will want to argue from the perspective smart but … that, it as I said a little while ago, but it is the fact that I’m not only in the first event of the design I will notice. Well, you will be whether the of what is made to the user in such care, it what you will that is marketing. Design and marketing will be able to build a well and together have a market economy, but marketing whereas there is no attribute only to the market economy, design is not the case. Then you have a design is also in the natural environment, there to even design primitive society. It does not only work only in that it to sell things.

Well, I was longer. Tend blog soon Stop it, and because the people who put the voice is not in the next to such long-winded sentences. Let summarize soon. That you want to say just one. Nexus5 also I “design is good!” Much the same when I against the essence of the design that to solve the problem with the iPhone, or rather more than that.

Apple is the impact from gone is Jobs immeasurable still. Magic I’ve been melted Gradually. iPhone not want to think Apple followers are so rather than user, I do not want to think, it should certainly feels so. But myself when saying things like that is no longer must admit that it’s sleepwalking. So for you what is good design to say is I want to be Te Apple’s iPhone. I do not want said non-Apple for design. That’s what I think is even a fantasy is a prejudice against those of design. It will be hard to understand there immediately for people without that you use only iPhone only. So I have UX to more superficial design detailing wheel does not come out except the opinion that the best.

While to say that, you can also inconsistent, but can say dare also Section. But I say, in the love it or hate without thinking difficult. Because it is gadgets. Shop make me eat delicious meals There are many in the world. But croquette of that aunt of the station is the best! It is okay even that. Because it is gadgets. I croquette also aunt and as much still best to make the old man of the neighboring town of rumors that I went transit train to have the courage! I noticed that you say that.

If from this my theory, OS best something other than I both MacOS! Day might come that. It was the first time realized that born such a thing. Well, you decided to write a blog that day at Once also similar content coming.

