Naoki Yoshioka
12 min readFeb 15, 2015


生まれてからずっと四国に住んでいたのに、東京へ行くことになったように、肩まであったロングヘアをショートカットにするように、長年務めた会社を離れて転職するように。 慣れ親しんだ環境を捨て去るのはどのような状況においても少しの勇気がいるものです。3GSからずっと使っていたiPhoneをこのたびNexus5に変えました。それなりの小さな勇気が入りましたが、何故変えたのかを少し書いてみたいと思います。



2. iPhone持ってる人が増えすぎた


3. スマ放題という実質的な値上げ






6.Apple WATCHが出た











10 reasons why it was changed to Nexus from iPhone.

I would have lived in Shikoku much from birth, as was supposed to go to Tokyo, the Long Hair that had to shoulder so as to shortcut, so as to change jobs away for many years and served as the company. Is what you have a little bit of courage in any situation to abandon the a familiar environment. The iPhone, which has been used ever since 3GS was changed in this time Nexus. Small courage of its own way has entered, but I would like to write a little whether the changed why.

I did not Moe to 1.iPhone6.

It is not put the lie to this feeling. time per iPhone4 is by no ginger in anyway worried had always gather information. And I wonder cool Nante when you first know Toka white model comes out at that time! I remember was excited with. However, such excitement is not last every time. To come shark per 5, and this has been like in 6 other Taningoto. Exactly the same for 6plus.

2. too more and more people have iPhone

Too too popular, aura of products have generate dilute. Though wonder such things Te and easy to say products that use to anyone as a commodity, a sense of special has been lost anyway Become a commodity dumping appearance. Somehow to please people also have, to feel like more and more people who are using like you’re embarrassed to.

3.Substantial price increases

I myself’m Softbank, deprecated the White Plan, Sumahodai that came out instead, substantial price increases that have little myself of placing phone. I thought that it this is not possible through to find that it was many economically sensitive.

4. peeling of actual usage and price plan

With that said, if you analyze the log to try to find yourself again, it is noticed that do not need the benefits of “unlimited” monthly in most 1GB or less. At all did not have unless be trafficked or printed matter in tethering. To it would be less to send large data now also from road to there, to have expanded wifi of environment services more and more, the first place in the home, so that there is commuting and he does not the data communication because of the wifi. I noticed that there is no need at all Toka 7GB.

5.SIM free, MVNO has become practical

Services also increased terminal, it has finally become routine. The first place, to have met their use, cheap rates than anything. I comes down to it.

6.Apple WATCH came out

AppleWATCH’s so move in conjunction with the iPhone. Going to be dragged into any more Apple gadgets became want asked to pardon. Anyway the first release to wonder not so much movement say, the first place it is not anymore money. Early adapters clamoring, then in much later refined by price cheaper two years, and I think that it if not too late even if bought at that time, if still necessary, so that the thing to live so as not to delay from topic feel deliberately clunky to become. iPad also I never bought even once, I do not think even a still want.

7.Coolness of Google

Jobs cry Would not the if in Apple without Google and TESRA seek Coolness after. You are so intuitive.

8.Nexus good super reputation

I some more mountain If you’re to Android in the fact that it is one 択 for me, even though something was released two years ago, exceeding hard specs manner all than iPhone6, moreover, even if it sees any article or blog is great he has not fallen reputation with. This is not an image, whether it ‘s not really a good product?

9. I was self-renovation home

? ? This will have a little explanation. Last year to purchase the home of medieval times, here and there Serufurinobe was the (or rather, we are still to). Something it really what you need some, also how this must be really purchased, such as whether there is no way that alternative is work, life feeling is now sharp. Shall I say, even as life philosophy rather than life feeling. Also is one of the personnel of feeling attached to the body and to try to suspect something of the street once until now.

10.I want to take a look at the world you do not know

As I wrote first, I wanted to short take a look at the new world. I wanted to try to enjoy the change. When something decision there is always a habit of going to choose what unknown. Intuitively that comes when you do not go as otherwise judgment also know yourself.

I purchased the Nexus5 in vivid red that. SIM plans to use the OCN mobile ONE. And to say that it even be cheaper at home of OCN.