User Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAFs) in Apache Spark

Suffyan Asad
10 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Jeriden Villegas on Unsplash


The User Defined Aggregate Functions, also known as UDAFs, are user-defined functions that act on multiple rows at a time. As the name Aggregate suggests, UDAFs are used in aggregation scenarios to produce one row for each set of data they operate on. The sets of data, most commonly, are the result of grouping operations i.e. groupBy and partitionBy in window functions. The purpose of UDAFs is similar to User Defined Functions (UDFs) i.e. to allow the user to implement custom functionality that doesn’t come out of the box with Spark.

The official documentation describes UDAFs as:

User-Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAFs) are user-programmable routines that act on multiple rows at once and return a single aggregated value as a result.

Link to documentation:

Code Repository

If you want to follow along, or review the final code, it can be obtained from the following GitHub repository:

Project Structure

The code used in this article is in Scala, and maven is used to manage dependencies. At the time of writing, PySpark doesn’t support UDAFs directly, but the process to use a UDAF defined in Scala in PySpark has been covered in this article. Additionally, the Appendix contains the Maven POM file. The project should be executed with JDK 1.8:

Project Structure — JDK
Project Structure

Defining UDAFs

Following steps need to be taken to define a Spark UDF:

  • Define the UDAF functionality by extending the Aggregator class (org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator)
  • Register the UDAFs as untyped UDAFs by calling the spark.udf.register function so that they can be used with untyped DataFrames. Note that this step is not needed if the aggregator is to be used with custom typed DataSet class.
  • Use the UDAF in Spark SQL clauses.

Note: The older org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedAggregateFunction to define UDAFs has been deprecated, and the newer Aggregator class should be used to define UDAFs:

Example UDF implementation — Calculating sum

Lets start with a simple example. lets define a UDAF that returns the sum of numbers for each group. This implementation is equivalent to implementing the sum function found in Spark SQL. As mentioned before, the first step is to extend the Aggregator class to create an object called SumUdaf:

Simple UDAF definition to sum numbers

The implementation extends the Aggregator[-IN, BUF, OUT] class. The three type parameters to the Aggregator class are:

  • IN: the type of input data, this is set to Int because the UDAF will take and sum integers.
  • BUF: This is the type used by internal buffers that are computed during the reduce calls.
  • OUT: This is the output type, type of the result that will be returned by the UDAF function.

Next, the following methods need to be overwritten when implementing the UDAF:

  • zero: This function is called to initialize the internal buffers that are filled up to calculate the final value. For the sum operation, this initialized the initial value to 0.
  • reduce: This function is called to add to calculate intermediate values, and it is called for each value in the group. The official document recommends to modify the buffered object instead of creating a new object and assigning to it for better performance.
  • merge: This is called when two buffers containing intermediate values are merged. Because each buffer for the sum operation contains intermediate sum, we simply add the two intermediate sums here.
  • finish: This function is called at the end, and once per each group. This is used to convert the final state of the buffer into the final output. For the sum operation, we already have the final sum, so in this function, the sum is simply returned.
  • bufferEncoder: This specifies the encoder for intermediate buffer. In our example, it is Encoders.scalaInt
  • outputEncoder: This specifies the encoder for output. In our example, it is Encoders.scalaInt

Please also review the official documentation of Spark UDAF and see the code examples.

Additionally, println statements have been added to each call of the functions of the UDAF to take a peek into its internal values for better understanding.

Note: The print statements appear on the console while running the code example because in this article, the code examples are executed on Spark in local mode, where all the data and execution happens in the Spark driver. If this code is executed on a Spark cluster, the output of the print statements will not appear on the logs of the driver, and they will have to be accessed by looking into the stdout logs of each executor on each node. Spark provides ways to do this, but this is out of scope for this article.

Lets look at the data that this UDAF will run on. The following code creates the Spark Session, registers the UDAF, and then calls:

Registering and running the UDAF

This is the main function that creates the test data and then groups the data, and executes the SumUdaf function that we just defined. Also, note that the UDAF has been registered in SparkSQL, and therefore, it has to be called inside an expr function as a string. The call is: .agg(expr("SumUdaf(number)")).

The test data is simple DataFrame with two columns, number column contains numbers from 1 to 10, and the mod column contains 1 for odd numbers and 0 for even numbers.

Test data

The data frame is aggregated on the mod column, which will create two groups. One containing even numbers and the second one containing odd numbers:

Test data groups

These values are the ones that the UDAF will operate on:

  • Buffers buffers will be initialized to 0 by calls to the zero function.
  • Then, the distributed operation will begin, and reduce and merge functions will be called:
  • Each call to the reduce function will add each number of the group to an intermediate buffer. There will be one reduce call for each value in each group.
  • The merge function will be called to merge intermediate values, which in this case will be a simple operation.
  • Finally, finish function will be called, once for each group.

Following should be the final output of the job:

Result — Sum done by UDAF

Lets execute the code, it produces the following output:

UDAF execution output with logs

Here, in addition to the final output, we can see the merge and reduce calls as well, as well as the finish calls.

Second example — calculating Average

For better understanding, lets take a look at another example. Calculating average is similar to calculating sum, but with one additional requirement: to keep the number of values in addition to the running sum. In this implementation, we will keep that as a tuple in intermediate values, and in the final function call, will divide the sum by count. The values of both running sum and running count will be kept in an intermediate case class. Changing the types of the functions appropriately, the following UDAF computes the average:

UDAF to calculate average

This example is similar to the one in the official Spark UDAF documentation, except additional print statements that allow us to look at intermediate values and parameters passed to each function call for better understanding. Registering and running this UDAF produces the following output:

Average calculation using UDAF — logs and result

Calling UDAF in window function

UDAFs work on sets or groups of data, and therefore, like groupBy, they can also be called on windows. Following example adds the average of each window as a column:

Using UDAF in window functions example

The above function gives the following output:

Output of window function example — group_avg column calculated using UDAF

The added column group_avg adds the average of each window, and it works the same way as it does in the previous groupBy example. Additionally, the UDAF is not called for each row, rather once for each group, despite the column having values for each row in the data frame.

Advanced UDAF examples — Multiple columns, Maps and Structs

Next, for a more complex example, consider a dataset of readings of sensors measuring multiple parameters related to the environment, and they are being reported from two locations in our example:

Readings data

The requirement is to keep the latest values of readings at each location. Additionally, not all sensors send readings at equal frequency. Humidity appears once every two readings, and light intensity is slower, once every four readings. So, taking the latest reading is more involved then just taking the latest value by timestamp.

In order to do this, lets write a UDAF that takes two columns: timestamp and readings, and maintains a running record as it iterates through values in the reduce function of the UDAF, and updates based on the timestamp to keep the last occurrence of reading from each sensor.

The following code accomplishes this:

UDAF to calculate latest reading for each location

In order to take multiple inputs, case class can be used to define each column required by the UDAF. The case class DataColumns is defined for this purpose, and it is also the input value type (IN). The case class has two fields:

  • timestamp (java.sql.timestamp): Represents the timestamp column.
  • readings (Map[String, Double]): Represents the readings. Note that Map type in Spark can have only one type of key and one type of value, and therefore, we’ll have to treat integer values as Double as well.

The data is internally passed between steps as a mutable Map of another case class scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, ValueWithTime(var timestamp: Timestamp, var value: Double)]. This map contains the latest value of each type of reading (temperature, air_quality, humidity, and light_intensity), and as new values come in, the intermediate map is updated with newer value of each reading based on the timestamp. The timestamp is stored as well for comparison. Please read the reduce and merge functions for this.

The Map is mutable, and the ValueWithTime fields are also mutable (var) because it is recommended to update existing structures in the UDAF, and to avoid creating new instances to conserve memory and time. In the reduce and merge functions, new instances are not being created, instead one of the existing instances is being updated. Please refer to the code examples in the official Spark documentation for more details:

Also note that println statements have been added to look into the execution for better understanding.

Finally, in the finish function, the mutable map is converted to map, and is returned as a MapType column. The org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.ExpressionEncoder is used to encode intermediate and final values. Reference link:

The code is executed in the following driver function:

Main function to register and call the UDAF

The code produces the following final result:

Latest sensor data result

The final result contains the latest occurring values from each sensor for each location.

And following is some of the output from print statements in the reduce and merge functions:

Logs during UDAF execution

Also, please note that to make things execute in order for easier understanding of each stage, the code has been executed with a single thread:

Spark session for studying logs

Next, lets see if the sensors data is present as Struct instead of Map:

Input data — Readings as struct column

In this case, the input type of the data will change, we will pass the two columns as org.apache.spark.sql.Row, this is because Struct is received in UDFs and UDAFs as Row instances. But because two fields will be passed to the UDAF, the input Row instance will contain both timestamp field, and readings field as Row instance within the outer Row. The following UDAF produces the required result:

UDAF implementation

In this UDAF, the intermediate and output types are the same as previous example. Only the reduce function implementation is different, because it requires extracting the two columns from the incoming Row instance, and then processing them. In addition to this, the way this UDAF is registered before use will also have the input encoder passed to it, which will be the schema of two columns:

Register UDAF with input data schema

Following main function can be used to execute the UDAF:

Main function to run the example

And it produces the following output:


Please note that these examples have been implemented as UDAFs for demonstration and understanding, otherwise it is possible to use built in Spark SQL function and aggregate functions to obtain the same result.

Using the UDAF in PySpark jobs

UDAFs written in Scala can be called in PySpark jobs, and it can be done in following steps:

  • Add a register function to the UDAF, which will be called from PySpark to register the UDAF.
  • Compile the UDAF written in Scala along with its dependencies in a JAR file. Because the example code uses Maven to manage dependencies and build process, the Maven Assembly Plugin.
  • Include the jar file in the spark submit call using the --jars argument, or while creating the Spark Session.
  • Call the register function from PySpark to register the UDAF and to make it available for use.
  • Use the UDAF.

Note: Please note that spark.udf.registerJavaFunction function to register the UDAF doesn’t work for UDAF derived from the Aggregator class, and the code fails with the exception pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: UDF class com.tutorial.LatestValuesOfKeysMapUdaf doesn't implement any UDF interface. I tried to find a way to register the UDAFs derived from the Aggregator class, and finally found this Stack Overflow answer that worked correctly:

The register function in UDAF implementation (LatestValuesOfKeysMapUdaf) is:

Register function to register the UDAF for use in PySpark job

Please refer to the Maven POM file in the Appendix to see the packaging of the JAR file. It can be packaged using the mvn package command, and the maven assembly plugin creates the jar with all dependencies:

JAR file with all dependencies included

And, in PySpark, the following code registers, and then calls the UDAF:

Register and call the UDAF in PySpark

And when executed, it produces the required result:

Result — UDAF called from PySpark code

The code repository containing the PySpark project is:

This concludes this article on User Defined Aggregate Functions. Please share your thoughts and questions in comments.


POM File

Following is the POM file:

POM file

Spark Session creation in Scala

Spark Session creation code

Time zone is set to UTC.



Suffyan Asad

Data Engineer | Passionate about data processing at scale | Fulbright and George Washington University alum |