10 Architecture Patterns Used In Enterprise Software Development Today

Sufiya khan
2 min readJul 23, 2023


ten important architectural patterns commonly used in enterprise application development:

1. Layered Pattern: The software is divided into layers (presentation, application, business logic, data access) to segregate responsibilities. It is used in general desktop applications and simple web apps.

2. Pipe Filter Pattern: A sequence of processing steps (filters) is triggered by a single event. It is often used in compilers.

3. Client-Server Pattern: There are two main components — client (service requester) and server (service provider). It is commonly used in online applications such as email and banking.

4. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern: It separates application functionality into three components — model (core functionality and data), view (user interface), and controller (handles user input).

5. Event Bus Pattern: Used in distributed systems to handle a high volume of events. It has components like event source, listener, channel, and event bus.

6. Microservices Architecture: The application is built as a collection of independent and scalable services, each with its own API boundary.

7. Broker Pattern: It structures distributed systems with decoupled components and uses a broker component to coordinate communication among them.

8. Peer-to-Peer Pattern: Individual components (peers) can act as both clients and servers, making it highly scalable and robust.

9. Blackboard Pattern: Useful for problems with no deterministic solution strategies. It consists of a structured global memory (blackboard), knowledge sources, and a control component.

10. Master-Slave Pattern: The master distributes work among identical slave components and computes the final result from the returned results.

These architectural patterns help developers design scalable, maintainable, and robust enterprise-scale systems that meet desired functionality and quality attributes. Each pattern has its strengths and weaknesses, making it important for developers to choose the most suitable one for a specific context.

