GPT Engineer… Generate an entire codebase with one prompt

Sufiya khan
1 min readJul 18, 2023


GPT Engineer is an exciting new tool that automates code generation based on prompts. It allows engineers to provide a coding-related question or task and generates code files dynamically. The process involves creating a project, setting up the environment, and running the code generation.

Here’s a quick overview of the steps:

1. Clone the GPT Engineer repository from GitHub.
2. Install the required dependencies.
3. Create a new project by copying the example provided.
4. Set the OpenAI API key for authentication.
5. Specify the main prompt, which outlines the task or question.
6. Run the script to generate the code files.
7. Review and modify the generated code as needed.

GPT Engineer offers a user-friendly and efficient way to automate code generation. With its ability to create code files and handle various programming languages, it has the potential to streamline development processes and increase productivity.

