I tried 10 code editors

Sufiya khan
2 min readJul 18, 2023


On September 9, 1947, at exactly 3:45 PM, Grace Hopper discovered the first computer bug, a real-life moth that had found its way onto the Harvard Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator’s number 70 relay. This incident marked the origin of the term “bug” to refer to coding errors. Today, computer programmers create their own bugs, but it wouldn’t be possible without the help of modern code editors.

To determine which code editor is best in the 2020s, the video author tried writing a basic program with 10 different text editors and IDEs. They covered a range of options, from basic command-line editors to advanced cloud-based integrated development environments. Throughout the video, the author discussed the evolution of code editors and highlighted the pros and cons of each option. They also emphasized how features like undo, find and replace, and copy and paste were revolutionary when they were introduced.

Here’s a summary of the editors and IDEs mentioned in the article:

1. vi: A keyboard-based editor that is still a standard tool on most Linux distributions. It is a modal editor and lacks features like syntax highlighting.

2. Emacs: Another keyboard-based editor but highly extensible. It offers additional features like debuggers, file managers, and terminal emulators.

3. Vim: A popular fork of vi that provides improved functionality. It offers syntax highlighting, multi-level undo, and plugin support.

4. Neovim: A faster version of Vim that addresses some of its limitations. It uses Lua as its scripting language.

5. Nano: A simple, keyboard-based editor available on most machines. It has a gentle learning curve and lacks advanced features.

6. Notepad++: A lightweight editor with a graphical user interface. It supports macros and plugins.

7. Dreamweaver: A proprietary IDE that offers a visually appealing editing experience but can feel slow and complex. It is primarily used for web development.

8. Sublime Text, Brackets, Atom: Lightweight editors with a graphical user interface. They provide a balance between simplicity and extensibility.

9. Visual Studio Code (VS Code): A popular choice among developers. It has a graphical user interface, a vast extension ecosystem, and can be customized to suit different workflows.

10. Xcode, Android Studio, and Visual Studio: IDEs tailored for specific platforms like iOS, Android, and Microsoft’s .NET framework, respectively. They offer comprehensive tools and integrations specific to their respective platforms.

The article concludes by mentioning that cloud-based code editors are gaining popularity, allowing developers to edit code directly in the browser or on powerful cloud hardware. Examples include VS Code in the browser, GitHub Code Spaces, and StackBlitz.

Ultimately, the choice of code editor depends on personal preference, workflow, and the specific needs of the development project.

