There’s Blessing in the Pressing

Sufyan Masih
2 min readJun 19, 2023


"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed" (1 Peter 1:6–7).

Recently, I met one of my closest buddy few days ago. He said to me, He love olive oil. He said, he is obsessed with it, and as he has been able to visit olive farms and places where they create the olive oil, he has learned about the process that goes into making it. And it’s all about pressure.

I asked him how it happens, and he explained, "To create oil, you need to press olives." But this made me understand something important: In order for us to carry the oil of God's special blessing and anointing, we also have to go through a process that includes facing difficulties and pressure. It's not that God purposely causes these challenges, but He uses them for our benefit and to bring glory to Himself. These challenging and sometimes unpleasant circumstances in our lives serve a purpose in making us stronger and bringing out the best in us.

It could be a crisis in your marriage, a conflict with a child or grandchild, a closed door in your career, or a sense of hopelessness for your future and even in your present. No matter what the “pressure” is, be encouraged today that God has a blessing for you in the midst of it.

The enemy wants you to quit in the press because he doesn’t want the oil of God to flow from your life. But as you continue to press, God will bless you, anoint you, and elevate you into your destiny and purpose!

Pray and ask yourself:

How have I felt “pressed” in my life? How is God transforming my perspective of His presence and purpose in and through me?



Sufyan Masih

LetUs work together to eradicate the appalling scourge of modern #slavery that still shackles millions of poor people in inhumanity and humiliation 🙏👪😓