My First Seven Jobs Or So — Part Two: Plastic Bag Cutter, Oh, The Globalization

Dezso Papp
2 min readAug 24, 2016


Our garage cried for a startup.

We just moved into our apartment.

Built in a coop style at the dawn of globalization.

With our neighbours in the great small city of Szolnok, Hungary.

Why plastic bag cutter?

With our neighbours in the great small city of Szolnok, Hungary.

Why plastic bag cutter?

One of our relatives made a side business. Plus me and my brothers desperate for extra cash. For our music gear, transport to gigs and whatnot and bang there we sat.

Remember, the late ’80s to early ’90s?

Also, Hungary rushed to get up to speed with everything. Including retail and shopping experience.

And what sizzles more than shopping with a nice non-transparent plastic shopping bag, huh?

How did the machine look like?

We made no pictures.

I figured though ‘the thing’ had a classy name:

I bar single sealing bar

… and might look hot and sexy as depicted below:

Rush down to as it may still be on sale!

The biggest impression the job made on me?

My first experiment with an utterly repetitive job where I tried to make something out of it.

Thought of it like a flow experience.

Way before reading about the flow idea.

And it worked.

The job wasn’t bank robbery.

Far from it, but I had time.

This is a multi-part post to make it a lower entry point for the faint-hearted. Word of warning: it is autobiographic. So, don’t blame me for the sticky, nostalgic parts. Click on. If we meet, pretend you have read it.

Also in the series:

  • Baker’s Helper — So It Begins
  • Vodka and Syrup Part-Time Salesman — Polak Wegier Dwa Bratanki
  • Bassist / Rhythm Guitarist / Lead Vocalist — The Rocking Years (Coming soon)
  • Strategic Advisor / Rock DJ — The Budding Entertainment Mogul (Coming soon)
  • Carpenter — In The Shoes of Han Solo (Coming soon)
  • Translator — Saving Tisza Cipő (Coming soon)
  • Hut / Bartender — Hungary’s Last Mountain Hut (Coming soon)
  • Outdoor Sales / Import Clerk / PA — The Golden Ages of Outdoor Sports in Hungary (Coming soon)

When not on a personal nostalgic trip or rant about world peace. I write about digital marketing teardowns, housing and destination services in Budapest, Hungary. Sometimes even on my blog.

Here or on LinkedIn. Tweet on me @sugardayfox

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Dezso Papp

ex-Wantrepreneur, daddy, boulderer, writer, tinkerer.