GSoC 2024 students’ weekly report #1

Sugar Labs
3 min readJun 11, 2024


Sugar Labs is once again participating in Google Summer of Code. Plus, this year, we are also participating in Code4GovTech’s DMP program. We’ve asked the students to give us weekly reports, and we’ll do our best to aggregate them here on a regular basis.

We’ve received the following reports, which are divided into the following sections: Music Blocks project reports, Sugarizer, Pippy, Chat, Math, and Raspberry Pi.

Music Blocks Project Reports

Khadar shared his work Make Your Own Lesson Plans, a project to use generative AI to create lesson plans for Music Blocks. You can read the details in the following post:

Abhijeet Singh is shares his work converting Music Blocks to ABC notation in order to assist people in realizing their musical ideas into music notation through a text-based medium such as ABC notation and Lilypond. His summer project is called “Musical Ideation through LLM”. You can read the details in the following post:

Mubashir Shariq shares his progress working on “Musical Creation and Transcription Assistance via Generative AI”. His challenge this summer is to figure out how to take audio or text input, and assist a user into transcribing that, whether the user sings, claps, performs, or types their musical ideas. Also we are happy to report that we have found a promising method for pitch and rhythm tracking. Read the full details in his post:

Karan Palan is working on creating a revamped version of Music Blocks 4 and promises to send his blog post in soon. The mentors are currently working together with him on defining the block UX. You can see the work here:

Ajeet Pratap Singh is our intern through Code4GovTech’s DMP program. This summer, he’s working on “Add Real-Time Collaboration in Music Blocks.” As he puts it in his intro, “The goal of this project is to implement comprehensive real-time collaboration features in Music Blocks, enabling users to create projects and learn together with their friends in real-time. Through this enhancement, we aim to make Music Blocks a more interactive and engaging platform for collaborative learning and creativity.” Read the full post here:

Sugarizer GSoC Projects

Samarth Bagga, one of this summer’s GSoC contributors for Sugarizer, who is working on a 3D Volume Activity reported fixing various issues. His full report is here:

Utkarsh Siddhpura, one of this summer’s GSoC contributors for Sugarizer, reported that he completed migration to i18next-vue (translation) and improve/migrate the old localization code. Read his full report here:

Pippy, Chat, Math, and Raspberry Pi

And lastly, here are some bullets of work being done for the other projects this summer:

More to come

We’re asking GSoC contributors to write regular blogs, send in reports, attend meetings, and even present for our series of online events on YouTube.

We’re doing this so that the students can document their process and learn more about their own learning. We also expect that it will help others get involved in Sugar Labs, as well as to help future contributors, who may be building upon the work of this year’s students. Please join us in giving the students a big round of applause (i.e. smash that clap button).




Sugar Labs

A worldwide effort to provide every child with equal opportunity for a quality education. #technology #education #programming #olpc #sugarlabs #sugarizer #sugar