No Bread. No Sugar.

Steph Catahan
2 min readNov 26, 2017


I’m eliminating bread and sugar from my diet forever. Yes it’s a bold statement in the midst of the Holidays but it’s time for me to face the reality that my body doesn’t need bread or sugar. In fact, bread and sugar are two of the biggest factors that make me feel moody, tired, bloated, and they make me gain weight like crazy.

No, I’m not going paleo, pescaterian, or vegan. No, I’m not following any specific meal prep plan. I’m making small changes to my diet so that my eating habits are sustainable for the long run of my life. I’m becoming more in tune with my body so that my food choices are intuitive. Instead of concentrating so much on tasting my food, I’m practicing FEELING my food. I’m choosing foods that make me FEEL good and staying away from foods that make me FEEL shitty. I’ve already done this successfully with pasta so I know it can be done.

3 Steps for Success:

  1. Keep it simple. I’m only following 2 rules — No bread. No sugar. I categorize bread as food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent, mixed together and baked. Sugar is categorized as refined white sugar and brown sugar.
  2. Know a quick list of alternatives by heart. This is particularly useful when dining out. Instead of bread and sugar, I will opt for potatoes and fruit.
  3. Cook and prep as much as possible. After cooking this year’s Thanksgiving dinner, I’m SO excited to keep cooking! Not only can I control exactly what goes into my food, I can share with others! As my sisters can attest, I’ve actually been a teerrrrrrrrible cook up until now. So honestly, anyone can do it!

If bread and sugar also make you feel shitty, join me in my #nobreadnosugar challenge from 11/25–12/25 and #feelyourfood.

