
Jett Lacaden
3 min readApr 2, 2018


“Welcome to the analyzing tool!”

Wireshark analyzing your connections.

Basic overview
First I would like to thank you for reading this article. This article is going to be about the free, non-harmful, analyzing tool called Wireshark. As you can see in the above picture it starts analyzing your connections and the activity on it.

The activity in this case is the “traffic”. During connections your device(Whether it be your PC, Laptop, Smartphone etc.) will send these “packages” between each other. With each passing second they could send a few hundred to a few thousand depending on the activity being done and the state of the connection. These package hold information that’ll go to one of 65,536 ports. These ports aren’t the ones on the side of your computer, they’re like “imaginary” ports that only the devices can connect to.

Wireless Connection capture info

After double clicking on an active connection it’ll take you to this. This shows all the info and ports currently active with the connection. It also shows what’s on the ports and what type of protocol they are. They’d normally say TCP(Transition control Protocol). As you can see in the picture though some could have TLSv1.2 which is an upgraded version of SSL or secure sockets Layer.

More info!
Under “Source” you can see numbers, these numbers represent the destination they came from. The reason they’re organized like such is because they’re like Process Identification Numbers. They identify the “source code” of where the packages came from. The most useful and trusted way of recieving packages is the “three way handshake”

Three way handshake

The image above is the three way handshake. SYN, SNY+ACK, and ACK are the three variables in this process. The ACK stands for Acknowledgement. It’s like sending a letter through the most trusted mailing company with things that’ll guarantee its delivery.

RECAP!(In case you don’t wanna reread)
Wireshark is a free ,harmless analyzing tool used to record and analyze the current programs running and the ports they connect to. Though if you have “restrictions” on your computer do get the admin’s approval to download it. If not then feel free to download it. It’s simple and easy to use though understanding the info it shows could take a bit of time to the untrained eye. There are 65,536 ports in total that the programs connect to. The three way handshake is the most trusted and useful way of sending the packages. It guarantees its delivery.

