Suhaima Sohail
4 min readOct 25, 2022



Trying to figure out how to expand the baby food game? Or searching for ideas on how to feed the baby solid foods? If yes, then keep reading. There are various ways in which we can start feeding the baby solid food instead of continuing to breastfeed or formula-feed only. Also, it’s safe for babies to eat solid foods at this stage. However, introducing solid foods does not mean that we should stop giving them liquids. We can mix and match the two types of food and see what works best for the child. In this post, we will discuss the different ways you can introduce solid foods to your 6- to 9-month-old infant so they get all the necessary nutrients they need while avoiding choking hazards at the same time.


Congratulations! The baby has gone 6 months now. It is no more than excitement for a mother to see her baby having something else other than breastfeeding. It is necessary to start introducing solids for boosting development.

Most people start giving solids to babies at the age of 4 months. Though it is better to start a solid diet at the age of 6. In the case of a lean baby who has no interest for breastfeed as well as formula milk, then it is a good-to-go solution. But keep giving breastmilk as not feeding breastmilk may lead to worst breast cancer conditions.

In the beginning, try giving food only once a day. It should not be heavy food. Try introducing fruit and vegetable in a mashed form. So, it doesn’t get entangled in the throat and becomes a serious problem for the baby. Giving acidic or spicy food may lead to diaper rashes but there are 14 killer ways to get rid of diaper rashes.

Enhance the diet by giving the food twice a day and then move to thrice a day shift later. The taste varies from baby to baby. Some babies develop taste buds for sweet and others develop them for salty feed. It can be understood by introducing different foods to the baby. Sharing some cheesy peasy lemon squeezy recipes for 6 to 12 months of babies:

1. Mashed banana

Banana is a complete diet for a baby. It contains proteins (1 g), carbohydrates (28 g), sugar (15 g), fiber (3 g), and potassium (450 mg). One medium banana contains 110 calories.

Take a banana and peel it. Put it into a bowl and mash it with the help of a fork. Mash it thoroughly, no lumps should be present in the bowl. OR if it is a bit difficult task, try using a grinding machine.

2. Apple stew with dates

Apple is the most widely grown fruit. Apple contains Protein(1g), carbohydrates (25 g), sugar (19 grams), and fiber (3 g). One medium apple contains 95 calories in it.

Date contains proteins (0.4 g), carbohydrates (18 g), sugar (15 g), fiber (3 g), and potassium (450 mg). It contains 110 calories.

Take an apple. Peel it. Cut it into small chunks. Add a little amount of water to the pan and heat it. Add all the pieces of apple and a date into the water and cover it. After 10- 12 minutes check if the apple has got tender. Take out the tendered apple and date from the pan and let it cool for 1 to 3 minutes. As per the need for consistency add water and apple into the grinder. Grind it thoroughly. Serve this thoroughly mashed apple to the baby.

3. Mango and peach puree

The combination of mango and peach is very tasteful. A cup of mango contains daily vitamin C (67%), copper (more than 8%), folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin B6.

Peel a piece of mango and a piece of peach. Try to add more mango compared to peach because peach is sour at times. Peel both and add the fruit into the grinder for thorough grinding. Give this fresh, tempting, and thoroughly mashed food to the baby.

4. Vegetable soup with cinnamon

Vegetables are a good source of nutrition for the baby.

Carrots, capsicum, onion, tomato, and any vegetable available can be used for making soup for the baby. Wash all the vegetables thoroughly. Now take small pieces of all of them and cut them into pieces. Add water to the pan and add all the cut vegetables into it along with a small stick of cinnamon. Now add salt for flavor. Let it cook for 15 minutes. The pressure cooker can be used to speed up the process. It takes 5–7 minutes in a cooker.

Separate the vegetables and their soup using a stainer. Now give this soup to the baby in the feeder. Lukewarm soup can prove beneficial for the baby.

Another method may include removing the stick of cinnamon and grinding the cooked vegetables. These well-grinded vegetables along with the soup can be served to the baby. It has a thick consistency that can be fed by a spoon

5. Chicken soup

Take a piece of chicken and wash it thoroughly. Put it into a stainer so the remaining blood moves down. Add water to the pan and add a pinch of salt (or as needed). Place the piece of chicken into the pan and let it cook for 15–20 minutes. Stain the soup. Serve the lukewarm and tasteful soup to the baby. Pour it into the feeder and let him drink.

Now shred the piece of chicken. Feed small chunks of shredded chicken to the baby.

80% of the calories in chicken come from protein and 20% from fat.


