Top 6 countries where you can study abroad for FREE!

Suhasinee Prabhu
5 min readSep 16, 2020


Many students have a dream of studying abroad and pursuing their higher education in different countries. The biggest hurdle that follows is the fact that this dream comes at a cost. It tends to burn a hole in the pocket because of which the dream is usually shelved. However beneficial the opportunities may be, it puts the students through a lot of pressure financially.

When a student has outstanding abilities, is excellent in academics, and has a hunger for knowledge but is held back due to financial constraints resulting in a fantastic talent going down the drain. Finances should not be an obstacle for one to reach a new height, but sadly, financial status does matter in this monetized world.

However, some countries have proven otherwise by providing a stellar education to students who have a great personality, ambition to impact the world for good and an ability to work with others, and determination in achieving one’s goal. These countries choose talent over the finances as they believe in uplifting talented candidates. To relieve students of the financial hurdle, these countries offer scholarships, financial aids, loans, etc.

There are countries where education is free for all, and there are others who offer lucrative offers for international students overall. Here is a list of countries where you can study for free or on a low budget.


Germany is one of the most affordable and safe hot spots for international students in terms of higher education. It does not matter whether you want to explore the hip corner or study in a quaint town; there is something for everyone’s needs.

The education system in Germany has a strong reputation. Germany usually offers free education; however, some universities might charge a nominal fee of around €100 (£75) to €250 (£185) per semester. This amount covers administrational costs as well as the work of the student union. German universities offer a plethora of degree programs that are taught in English as well as Germany.

Life in Germany is also cheaper than in other countries. The German Academic Exchange Service advises a monthly budget of around €800 (£595) to cover expenses, which is enough to enjoy your stay. This is what makes Germany a great place for international students.


The country which has such a rich history is also famous for offering FREE education to international students. Norwegian authorities are determined to provide high-quality education to a broad demographic spectrum of students worldwide.

Though the country offers free education, the living costs are relatively high. Now for the language of instruction, most of the Norwegian Universities teach in English. Some of the best universities in Norway include the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).


Finland is a great place for international students to pursue their higher education. With a plethora of lucrative scholarship options to affordable living expenses to providing high-quality education. The important core values upheld by Finnish universities include equality, responsibility, cooperation, and adaptability.

Finland offers a plethora of subjects to study for students of all levels from primary to secondary and higher education as well. Even though English is not even an official language in Finland, they are a pro at speaking it. They are among the top 5 English speaking countries worldwide. It will be a great experience to study in Finland, and you will discover what a great human society looks like.

4.Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is voted the 12th most popular destination among international students, and it doesn’t end there as the country is becoming more and more popular among the education community. Countries’ free education policy is one of the main contributors to popularity, not to forget the exceptional education system.

The students should be able to speak Czech as Education is mostly offered in Czech; however, many top universities also offer education in English too. Learning to speak Czech proves to be an added advantage as it helps you while taking up a part-time job. Charles University, Masaryk University, and Czech Technical University in Prague are some of the top-ranked Czech Universities. The country is a perfect amalgamation of rich culture and is a blend of modernization.


When we hear Brazil, we instantly think of Football. However, Brazil isn’t just famous for Football, but the country also offers free education. The only criteria are you should be fluent in Portuguese. There are plenty of universities, both private as well as public. The public universities in Brazil do not charge tuition fees regardless of the student’s nationality. The eligibility criteria are that you need to earn a CELPE-Bras certificate to show your proficiency in the Brazilian Portuguese language.

Some of the popular Brazilian universities include the University of São Paulo, University of Brazil, and University of Campinas. Apart from studies, the students will also get the chance to enjoy the infamous Rio Carnival


Swedish universities offer education with no tuition fees for students from both Swedish and non-Swedish nationalities. The country offers lucrative scholarships to international students. Not only that but if you happened to pursue a Ph.D. from any Swedish university, you also get paid for carrying your research work. Some of the popular universities for international students in Sweden include Karolinska Institute, Uppsala University, and Stockholm University. Another perk of studying in Sweden is that all students have the option to work when studying in Sweden.

