“Day 03 of Mastering Smart Contract Auditing: A 100-Day Journey to Enhance Blockchain Security”

Suhas.m Malagihal
5 min readAug 30, 2023


In the previous Blog, we learned about Types of Auditing, Key Audit Considerations and Common Vulnerabilities

So in today's blog, we learn about The Auditing Process: Steps and Methodology, Real-World Case Study: Learning from Mistakes.

The Auditing Process: Steps and Methodology

1. Project Understanding and Assessment:

  • Initial Assessment: Auditors and developers review the project’s scope, purpose, and architecture. This helps auditors understand the context and critical functionalities of the smart contract.

2. Planning and Scoping:

  • Defining Objectives: Developers and auditors set clear objectives for the audit, outlining what aspects will be examined and what vulnerabilities will be targeted.
  • Risk Analysis: Identifying potential risks and attack vectors helps prioritize the focus of the audit.

3. Automated Scans (Optional):

  • Automated Tools: Initial automated scans identify common vulnerabilities and provide a baseline assessment. This helps streamline the manual review process by highlighting potential issues.

4. Manual Code Review:

  • In-Depth Analysis: Auditors conduct a thorough manual review of the code, analyzing its logic, data flows, and interactions with other contracts.
  • Vulnerability Identification: Vulnerabilities such as reentrancy attacks, integer overflows, and unchecked external calls are identified during this stage.
  • Code Quality: Auditors assess adherence to coding standards and best practices.

5. Testing and Verification:

  • Scenario Testing: Auditors test the contract’s behavior under various scenarios, including edge cases and unusual inputs.
  • Functional Verification: Auditors verify that the contract behaves as intended and meets the specified requirements.

6. Collaboration and Iteration:

  • Developer-Auditor Interaction: Developers and auditors collaborate closely throughout the process. Developers explain code intent, and auditors provide insights into security concerns.
  • Iterative Process: As vulnerabilities are found, developers address them, and auditors re-evaluate the fixes to ensure they were implemented correctly.

7. Formal Verification (If Applicable):

  • Mathematical Proof: For critical contracts, formal verification might be employed to mathematically prove the contract’s correctness and adherence to specifications.

8. Final Report and Recommendations:

  • Issue Documentation: Auditors compile a comprehensive report detailing identified vulnerabilities, potential exploits, and their severity.
  • Recommendations: Auditors provide actionable recommendations for addressing vulnerabilities and improving overall contract security.

9. Remediation and Validation:

  • Fix Implementation: Developers apply fixes to address identified vulnerabilities.
  • Validation: Auditors verify that the fixes have been correctly implemented and do not introduce new issues.

10. Report Delivery and Feedback:

  • Communication: Auditors deliver the final report to developers, discussing the findings and recommendations.
  • Feedback Loop: Developers and auditors engage in a feedback loop to clarify any points and ensure mutual understanding.

The auditing process is iterative, meaning that as the project evolves, new vulnerabilities may arise. Collaboration between developers and auditors is essential to addressing these challenges effectively. By working together, they can enhance the overall security of the smart contract, align it with best practices, and reduce the potential for exploitation in the rapidly changing landscape of blockchain technology.

Real-World Case Study: Learning from Mistakes

Case Study: The DAO Hack

In 2016, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) was introduced as a revolutionary project on the Ethereum blockchain. It aimed to create a decentralized venture capital fund, allowing investors to propose and vote on investment decisions using smart contracts. However, a critical vulnerability in The DAO’s code led to a massive security breach, resulting in significant financial losses and prompting valuable lessons for the blockchain community.

Vulnerability Identification: A recursive call vulnerability allowed an attacker to repeatedly withdraw Ether from The DAO without updating their balance. The vulnerability was rooted in the smart contract’s “splitDAO” function, which enabled users to split their tokens into separate DAO tokens and Ether. However, an oversight in the code allowed an attacker to call the “splitDAO” function and then request a recursive refund multiple times, draining Ether from the contract.

Impact and Exploitation: The attacker exploited the vulnerability and started draining Ether from The DAO’s smart contract. Within days, they managed to siphon off approximately one-third of the entire Ether supply in The DAO, resulting in millions of dollars worth of losses. This exploit shocked the blockchain community and raised questions about the security of smart contracts and the immutability of blockchain transactions.

Lessons Learned: The DAO hack served as a wake-up call for the entire blockchain ecosystem, highlighting the importance of rigorous auditing and code review:

  1. Security Auditing is vital. The incident underscored the necessity of thorough auditing, especially for projects dealing with significant financial assets. Formal verification and code review by experienced professionals could have uncovered the vulnerability before deployment.
  2. Smart Contracts are Not Infallible: While blockchain’s immutability is a strength, it can also be a double-edged sword. Mistakes in smart contract code cannot be easily undone, making prevention through auditing paramount.
  3. Community Response and Forking: To mitigate the damage, Ethereum underwent a controversial hard fork that effectively reversed the transactions leading to the hack. This event ignited debates about blockchain immutability and community governance.
  4. Security Best Practices: The hack emphasized the importance of incorporating well-established security best practices during smart contract development, such as avoiding complex logic and reentrancy issues.
  5. Collaboration and Peer Review: Collaboration between developers, auditors, and the broader community can help identify vulnerabilities that might be missed by a single party.

The DAO hack stands as a pivotal moment in blockchain history, prompting the industry to prioritize security, conduct thorough audits, and embrace best practices to prevent similar vulnerabilities and breaches in the future. It serves as a valuable reminder that even cutting-edge technology requires meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to ongoing improvement.

In the rapidly advancing realm of blockchain technology, the significance of smart contract auditing cannot be overstated. It stands as a critical pillar for mitigating vulnerabilities, fostering trust, and solidifying the integrity of blockchain applications. By thoroughly examining code through manual review, automated tools, and formal verification, audits unearth potential risks and flaws, enabling the construction of a more secure blockchain future. As we delve deeper into our 100-day series, we’ll unravel advanced auditing techniques, address emerging challenges, and advocate for best practices, all while striving to fortify the foundation of smart contracts and the broader blockchain landscape. Stay tuned for invaluable insights that will contribute to the continuous enhancement of security and reliability within this transformative technological frontier.

