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4 min readJun 23, 2016

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lake erie and its large waves — Most if we see or visit the lakes sure the water is calm. But you know that in North America there are lakes such as the ocean, this lake has huge waves like the ocean.

lake erie

Lake Erie is a lake that is unique among the other Great Lakes. This lake is shallowest, warmest temperature, retention time of the shortest and most biologically productive than the other lake. Lake Erie is owned by many of the cities and the people who live in the suburbs. When he was healthy, the lake can support the fishing industry and sport that brought a lot of results.

Known, this lake could have devastating waves that are being generated by the shallow surface. This can cause the lake conditions change drastically in just a few minutes. So fierce and size of the waves, the local native tribe gave the name of the lake as ‘Erige’ which means cat.

It is estimated that the storm that occurred in this lake has sunk about 1,400 boats. Even this lake called the lake the most pyrrhic boat. Photos of the waves of Lake Erie was successfully taken by a photographer from Canada, David Sandford. To take a photo of the lake’s waves, David Sandford use the time for four weeks in November.

erie lake

Therefore, in this state of the lake is very volatile and the winds can blow up to 50 kilometers, with temperatures below zero degrees. Sandford took this photo in the morning before sunrise with a position on the outskirts of the lake and take advantage of a telephoto lens. Sandford title for your photo ferocious waves as ‘Liquid Mountain’.

Lake Erie once not thought to be used as a dumping ground. Fires often occur because of the accumulation of combustible garbage and oil pollution. Mounting toxic substances and nutrients flood the ecology of the lake. The fish and then disappears quickly, replaced by unwanted species. Algae growth that swells in the main basin spent oxygen and create dead zones. In 1970, the environmental impact of Lake Erie reached its climax and the lake is declared dead.

With the problem of pollution in Lake Erie that were raised, the water quality is maintained at the standard expected. But new problems have emerged, and there was again showing signs of suffering. Back algal blooms — toxic algae, blue-green, invasive and large. Zebra mussels and quagga mussels destroy the food chain and threaten the lives of other fish. Mercury, DDT and PCBs than 50 years ago is still preserved, spread to the food chain and contaminate fish there. Bacteria from water filtration facility of yesteryear make distress for swimmers in the lake, including touch the water.

Their environmental rules are derived from the Clean Water Act, the Lake Erie is now much healthier than 50 years ago. Nevertheless, we must remain constantly struggling to protect the lake — continue financial support for Great Lakes programs, including the Clean Water Act and the initiation of the Great Lakes Restoration. We can not allow the economic crisis to stop the action returns to be a part of the lake waters are healthy and fit for everything that can be enjoyed and provide benefits to all.

Well, if you are curious about this lake, it would not hurt you to visit this lake. Traveled with your partner or perhaps with your large family. thank you, hopefully this article helpful.

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