That time I visited Bresslergroup (MSID)

Sujan Khadgi
3 min readMar 24, 2016


So, I recently visited Bresslergroup which is an awesome company based in Philadelphia as part of a class field trip. Before the visit, I went on google and checked out what the company was all about (like all normal people do, right?). I was really impressed with the whole website and the work they did and I was super excited for the visit.

Me being me, I got there 10 minutes late (Thank you Philly traffic!) but I was just on time for the office tour. It was an amazing space and they had all this technology that they showed us and what was most exciting was seeing their Usability Lab. I know it’s just a room separated by glass but for a UX grad student, it’s the holy grail (cue heavenly choir music).

After the office tour, Bill(Creative Director, Interaction Design) and Daniel (Industrial Design Manager) gave us a brief presentation about design branding. They talked about the traditional way of branding and how it’s evolving thanks to the internet and how brands now are not just your logos or your visuals, it’s the whole experience. They talked about how Bresslergroup also evolved as a brand to stay current which is also one of the main reasons they moved to a newer, much more modern space.

If you stepped into their office, you wouldn’t be able to tell that they have 45 years of history. I personally was shocked when I learned they had been in business for 45 years.

I got this from their website. This is also where Bill and Daniel gave their presentation.

We had an interesting Q&A section where we got to ask questions which they graciously answered. One of the questions that I am glad my classmate asked was “What are the things you find lacking in applicants applying for positions here?” to which they initially commented, “Drawing/sketching skills” and they explained how they have a very hands on process and they have to wear many different hats and it’s good to have multiple skills while being good at one particular skills to which I silently said “You’re god damn right”.

I really enjoyed the trip and it was great learning how these companies work. They use Affinity diagramming as their brainstorming exercise as well which was great to know because I only learned about it in class so knowing that I am learning things that real people use in real life for real projects was great.

I actually just sent them an email for a position there and I would be thrilled to be part of their workforce. Well, let’s keep our fingers crossed *winks*.

