How to calculate gradients of the model parameters with respect to the loss?

Sujatha Mudadla
2 min readNov 23, 2023


Calculating gradients of the model parameters with respect to the loss involves using the chain rule of calculus, and this process is a fundamental step in training machine learning models through gradient-based optimization algorithms. Let’s break down the steps for a simple case with a scalar loss function.

Assume you have a neural network with parameters θ, and your goal is to minimize a scalar loss function L(θ). The gradient of the loss with respect to the parameters (∇θL) is a vector containing the partial derivatives of the loss with respect to each parameter.

General steps:

  1. Forward Pass:
  • Feed a training input through the network to obtain the predicted output.
  • Compute the loss by comparing the predicted output to the actual target using the loss function.


2. Backward Pass (Backpropagation):

  • Calculate the gradient of the loss with respect to the final layer’s output. This is often done using the derivative of the loss function with respect to the output.


  • Propagate this gradient backward through the network using the chain rule. At each layer, you compute the local gradient of the layer’s output with respect to its input and multiply it by the incoming gradient from the higher layer.


  • Use the local gradients to calculate the gradients of the loss with respect to the parameters of the model.


  • Update the model parameters using an optimization algorithm (e.g., gradient descent) based on these gradients.

This process is efficiently handled by automatic differentiation libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch, which automatically compute gradients during the backward pass. These libraries provide tools for defining the model, loss, and optimization process, and they take care of the gradient calculations behind the scenes.

The specific details of these computations depend on the architecture of your neural network and the choice of the loss function. Automatic differentiation libraries abstract away many of the complexities, making it easier to train complex models.



Sujatha Mudadla

M.Tech(Computer Science),B.Tech (Computer Science) I scored GATE in Computer Science with 96 percentile.Mobile Developer and Data Scientist.