Module 5:Spring REST……………………….. …………………. Topic 6: Enabling CORS and Securing Spring REST endpoints

Sujatha Mudadla
2 min readJul 11, 2024


Enabling CORS and Securing Spring REST Endpoints

In the context of Spring Boot and microservices, enabling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and securing Spring REST endpoints are crucial for building secure and interoperable web services.

Enabling CORS in Spring REST

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security feature that allows web applications on different domains to make requests to each other. In Spring Boot, enabling CORS involves configuring the server to include the necessary CORS headers in the HTTP responses.

Key Aspects:

  1. @CrossOrigin Annotation: Spring provides first-class support for CORS through the @CrossOrigin annotation. By adding this annotation to a controller method or class, you can specify the allowed origins, methods, and headers for CORS requests.
  2. Global CORS Configuration: In addition to method-level configuration, Spring allows for global CORS configuration using WebMvcConfigurer to apply CORS settings across the entire application.
  3. Fine-Grined Control: With Spring, you can enable CORS for specific REST APIs and not for the entire application, providing fine-grained control over cross-origin requests.

Securing Spring REST Endpoints

Securing Spring REST endpoints is essential for protecting sensitive data and ensuring that only authorized users can access certain resources. Spring Security provides robust mechanisms for securing RESTful services.Key Aspects:

  1. Spring Security Integration: Spring Security seamlessly integrates with Spring REST to provide authentication, authorization, and protection against common security threats.
  2. Custom Requirements: Spring Security can be extended to meet custom security requirements, allowing for the implementation of specific security policies and access control rules.
  3. Minimizing Security Risks: When securing Spring REST endpoints, it’s important to minimize the risk associated with unauthorized access and potential security vulnerabilities.

Best Practices

When enabling CORS and securing Spring REST endpoints, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure the security and reliability of the application.Best Practices:

  1. Fine-Grained CORS Configuration: Apply CORS settings at a granular level, specifying allowed origins, methods, and headers based on the specific requirements of the application.
  2. Role-Based Access Control: Implement role-based access control (RBAC) using Spring Security to restrict access to sensitive endpoints based on user roles and permissions.

3.Security Auditing: Regularly audit the security configurations and access controls of Spring REST endpoints to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities.


Enabling CORS and securing Spring REST endpoints are critical components of building secure and interoperable microservices with Spring Boot. By understanding the key aspects of CORS configuration, Spring Security integration, and following best practices, developers can ensure that their RESTful services are protected against unauthorized access and potential security threats.



Sujatha Mudadla

M.Tech(Computer Science),B.Tech (Computer Science) I scored GATE in Computer Science with 96 percentile.Mobile Developer and Data Scientist.