Module: Spring 5 Basics……………. Topic 1: Introduction to Spring Framework and its Modules.

Sujatha Mudadla
2 min read6 days ago


The Spring Framework is a popular and widely used framework for building enterprise-level Java applications. It provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing robust and maintainable applications. The framework is modular and provides various modules that cater to different aspects of application development.

Spring Framework Modules: The Spring Framework is composed of several modules, each addressing different functional layers and aspects of enterprise application development. Some of the key modules include:

  • Core Container: This module provides the fundamental functionality of the Spring framework, including Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI). It also includes the BeanFactory, which is a sophisticated implementation of the factory pattern.
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): AOP is used to provide modularization of concerns and allows the separation of cross-cutting concerns from the business logic of the application.
  • Data Access/Integration: This module provides support for working with databases and includes JDBC, ORM, JMS, and transaction management.
  • Web: The web module provides basic web-oriented integration features, such as multipart file upload functionality and the initialization of the IoC container using servlet listeners and a web-oriented application context.
  • MVC: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is a full-featured MVC implementation for building web applications.
  • Testing: The testing module supports the testing of Spring components with JUnit or TestNG frameworks.

Relevance to Microservices and Spring Boot: Understanding the Spring Framework and its modules is crucial for developing microservices using Spring Boot. Spring Boot, a part of the Spring ecosystem, simplifies the development of stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications. It leverages the Spring Framework’s modules and provides a streamlined way to create microservices.

Conclusion: The Spring Framework’s modular architecture and its various modules play a vital role in the development of microservices using Spring Boot. A solid understanding of the Spring Framework and its modules is essential for building scalable and maintainable microservices.



Sujatha Mudadla

M.Tech(Computer Science),B.Tech (Computer Science) I scored GATE in Computer Science with 96 percentile.Mobile Developer and Data Scientist.