ViewModel and LiveData in Jetpack Compose

Sujatha Mudadla
2 min readDec 13, 2023



Building dynamic and responsive user interfaces with Jetpack Compose requires efficient state management. Two key components in this process are ViewModel and LiveData.

What is ViewModel?

ViewModel is a lifecycle-aware class that acts as a central repository for data and logic in your app. It stores data that needs to survive configuration changes, such as screen rotations, and provides access to this data from different parts of your UI.

Benefits of using ViewModel:

  • Data persistence: Data stored in ViewModel survives configuration changes.
  • Separation of concerns: Keeps UI logic separate from business logic.
  • Testability: Easier to test UI logic without relying on the activity lifecycle.
  • Shared state: Allows sharing data between different parts of your UI.

What is LiveData?

LiveData is an observable data container that automatically notifies observers of changes in its value. It simplifies data handling and ensures that your UI automatically updates whenever the data changes.

Benefits of using LiveData:

  • Simplified UI updates: UI automatically updates when data changes.
  • Thread-safe: LiveData ensures data access is thread-safe.
  • Lifecycle awareness: LiveData observes the activity lifecycle and avoids unnecessary updates.

Using ViewModel and LiveData with Jetpack Compose:

  • Store data in ViewModel: Use remember() or mutableStateOf() to store data in ViewModel.
  • Observe changes with LiveData: Use observeAsState() to observe changes in LiveData and update your composables.
  • Trigger actions: Use ViewModel methods to trigger actions like network requests or database operations.
  • Navigation: Navigate between screens while preserving data in ViewModel.


class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _count = mutableStateOf(0)
val count: Int = _count.value

fun incrementCount() {

fun MyScreen(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
val count = viewModel.count.observeAsState()

Text(text = “Count: $count”)
Button(onClick = viewModel::incrementCount) {

Best practices for ViewModel and LiveData:

  • Minimize data stored in ViewModel: Store only the necessary data to avoid unnecessary recompositions.
  • Use derived data: Use functions to derive new data from existing data for improved performance.
  • Test your ViewModel and LiveData logic: Write unit tests to ensure your data management logic works as expected.
  • Use Hilt for dependency injection: Simplify dependency injection for ViewModel and LiveData.



Sujatha Mudadla

M.Tech(Computer Science),B.Tech (Computer Science) I scored GATE in Computer Science with 96 percentile.Mobile Developer and Data Scientist.