Sujith Kurup
4 min readMar 23, 2016

Spiritual Suicide:-
What does one feel when they first heard the term “spiritual suicide”What is spiritual suicide and how do you know if you’re committing it? 
It is the killing of that part of oneself that is associated with the feelings and the mind as well as the killing of real meaning or significance in one’s life.
Why are you committing spiritual suicide? 
Only you can answer that. I was committing it because for years I wanted to be a writer, Which is my passion. But it’s hard to make a living just writing (unless you make it big). I guess that’s why my parents weren’t supportive of the idea. So, for more than 10 years, I used food to numb my disappointed feelings for not doing the work I felt I was meant to do
If you are committing spiritual suicide, what can you do to stop? First, admit that you are not happy. Second, start planning a strategy to help you become the person you were meant to be. And then, it is my hope that you are finally able to do the work that is truly meaningful to you
A small story related to spiritual suicide which makes you understand what we are doing
Once there was a professional who was sitting in the office. He was about to attend a meeting in a meeting room. He was sitting with 3 or 4 others, and they were waiting for manager to show up and start the meeting. It was early morning, and he was thinking, “Dear God hope this meeting doesn’t last too long.”
The manager of the comp finally came , sat down, and after the obligatory “good morning to you all…….” he went on to tell a quick story. It was about how he had recently read (newspaper, magazine, he don’t remember where he read it,he wasn’t fully awake) about an old guy who was still working. This geriatric was over 80 years old and was still going to work every day. Then, his manager said something which he will never forget: “Can you imagine anything better? Nothing makes me happier than getting up every morning and going into work. Don’t you guys agree?” Yes, he was dead serious.
Now, there are a few reasons that he remember this event, and his words. First, he was forced to lie, and say something like, “absolutely boss.” Second, as the months went by, and he found himself unemployed/self-employed, he started to better understand how his manager could actually mean what he said.
This was his company. Fast growing, worth millions of dollars, and he was in charge. It was his boss dream.and was not living his dream but he was fulfilling his managers dreams. Well, that is at least how he felt. He hated working there. Okay, hated is a strong word. He loved it at one time. Then he started not liking it very much, and by the time of this meeting, he was dealing with some serious anxiety over the job.
You see, when he first started with the organisation, he was given a lot of flexibility and freedom. The hours were long, the travel was tough, the pay sucked, but the future was bright. He was finally part of something new, fun, challenging, and ever changing. That fit his personality perfectly. 
Then things changed, and the company became more corporate. And without going into detail on those changes, let’s just say he was getting restless. During this transition time, going from looking forward to Monday morning (he was serious, and he was barely making a living wage) to praying that Friday at 5pm would come sooner (by then he was making a good wage), he was able to open a business. He had a partner, but he was hands off. Our agreement required him to do all of the work, decision making, etc. He got a taste for true entrepreneurship.
He went to the CEO and asked him for advice. Scheduling this meeting with the intention of asking him what he would do if he were in his shoes; stay as a corporate stooge (he didn’t say those words) OR leave and be a full time entrepreneur, was the advice of a trusted friend of him. 
“Umm…..Mr. owner, he will keep this short. I am asking you for advice. As you know the gym I opened is doing well, and I have the opportunity to open or acquire others. In other words, I could be a full time business owner. I have a history here, and have been part of extraordinary growth, so I don’t know what to do. I am asking you what you would do if you were me?”
“I think you have good gig here (he used the word ‘gig’), and if I were you, I would stay right where you are.”
Within 8 months of that meeting, that company and he parted ways. 
Three and a half years later.he had zero regrets.
He look forward to every single morning. And this is despite the fact that he don’t always know where his next client is coming from.
He was living on his own terms, and that is in his DNA. He was convinced.
Many people are like him, but there are others who would be completely happy making 80K per year, working 50 hours per week, and reporting to 3 douche bags about their TPS reports. 
“If you are not reaching for a goal, you are committing spiritual suicide".
Early on in that company,he was able to set his own goals and get excited about being a big part of something awesome. By the time he left, they were all compromised to just one of many cogs in the wheel.